There is so much more to the gospel of Jesus Christ than commonly understood. We learn righteousness by learning more about what God does and why he does it. Although the scriptures show us some of what he did in the past and sometimes describe some of why he did it, obtaining the rest requires personal revelation. Salvation requires you to acquire more light and truth.
What did Jesus mean when he said he was "the truth?" (John 14:6) What did he mean when he said he was "the light?" (John 8:12) Light and truth may sound like obscure topics, but they are central to the gospel, and understanding them is critical to your fulfilling your purpose in this life.
This book will guide you through God's word to teach you how to learn more about God and how to teach more of what you learn. A better understanding of these topics will greatly accelerate your growth toward God, your discernment of good and evil, and your achievement of the purpose for which you were born.