
If you would like to support our work, consider donating. All donations are appreciated, and recurring donations are especially helpful as we plan for the future!

Non-tax deductible gifts:

(preferred unless you need tax-deductibility)

Donate with Cash App

Donate by mail (check):
Rob Smith
15637 S Sperry Grade Rd.
Greenough, MT 59823


Q: Will you be adding support for Venmo and other cash apps?

A: Eventually, but not anytime soon.

Q: Will I get a donation reciept?

A: Donations by mail will receive reciepts by mail. CC and other app donors will receive a reciept through that app, but duplicate receipts are available upon request.

*Tax deductibility: The Upward Thought Foundation has submitted a request for 501(c)(3) status with the IRS as of Oct, 2023. In the event that tax-exempt status is approved, all donations made since inception would be tax-deductible up to legal limits. Approval is not guaranteed, and IRS wait times can be long, so donors who elect to itemize their deducations should exercise discretion in the event that approval is not attained by the close of the 2024 tax year.