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This website is intended as a repository of all public materials that further the mission of the Upward Thought Foundation, a community for those who find value in them, and a means to provide support to the Foundation.

The Upward Thought Foundation is organized for the purpose of the improvement of mankind. Specific aims of the foundation include publishing written and recorded materials with the intent of helping individuals and groups encounter greater success, happiness, welfare, and general well-being. Activities may include other extensions of the purpose of the foundation, limited to purposes of exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3).

Our present annual goal is to publish at least two non-fiction books per year, one video every other day, two in-person events per year, and a few dozen blog posts.

The foundation receives no money for any materials it creates. Everything produced by the foundation is offered for free or limited to the third party actual cost of printing and distribution (such as what Amazon on-demand charges to print and ship books).

The Upward Thought Foundation is a Montana private charitable foundation organized exclusively for charitable, religious, education, and scientific purposes including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Annual filings can be found here.

Any inquiries can be directed to upwardthought@gmail.com.