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Study list to prepare for Oct 4th talks

Mon, September 30, 2024

A friend wrote asking "are you planning on publishing the topic of your talk before next Friday? I'd love to study the topic to prepare better."

I wasn't planning on doing so, but because you asked, I will.

Here are questions to ponder, as you feel directed, to get more out of the October 4th talks (not in any particular order):
  • What is an ensign? What are examples of past ensigns from the scriptures? What future ensign(s) are spoken of?
  • What is "the name" of Christ?
  • What is the meaning of Matthew 5:16?
  • Why were the Levites chosen as priests?
  • What is the fruit of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
  • Is the gospel received by seeking, received by responding, or both, and how does each work?
  • What changes about what is offered and what can be received as you delay, ignore, or lightly receive invitations to improvement?
  • When and why are the wicked removed?
  • How will the gospel be preached in the End Times?
While any one of these questions could occupy a year or more of dedicated study time, and only so much can be said about them in three hours, any effort you can spend looking into them prior to the talks will result in greater blessings from God to you, because he is just and you reap what you sow. He delights to bless those who seek him early with overflowing reciprocation for their heed and diligence.

See you Friday.

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