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Remember when I told you immigrant riots would occur?

On 7/2/23, I published this blogpost discussing how the destruction from immigrants in Europe and the United States is part of the fulfillment of the remnant of Jacob tearing up the Gentiles. In that post, I cite related posts from 2/3/16 and 1/30/2017 on the topic--posts that were so seemingly far-fetched that they were used to justify my cancellation as a university professor just three years ago.

I made this video on November 2, 2024. The best time to watch it is when it came out. The second best time is now.

While I warned you of "civil unrest," I did not specifically discuss one thing I'll add now: You get the culture of the people you import. What happens when you import people from countries where theft, stabbing, shooting, raping are prevalent? You get more of all of those things in the receiving country. If you've been to the third world, you know how bad that is going to get, and you can probably imagine at least some of the institutions so central to our prosperity that cannot endure such things. If you haven't been to the third world, you will find out, because the third world has now come to you. If you can't imagine what will fall apart as a result, you will learn by seeing it with your own eyes. You will see greater cost, less availability, extended delays, less opportunity, and less freedom.

Signs are given as evidence to the message that accompanies them. How many future predictions must be fulfilled before you begin to exercise the kind of heed and diligence that they merit? How long will you read your scriptures pretending to long for bygone days of God's evident power while ignoring great signs in your own? How much longer will you show that you are the children of those who persecuted, ignored, or sluggishly responded to the past prophets you claim to revere by persecuting, ignoring, or sluggishly responding to the ones God sends today?

How much greater will the signs get before you begin to believe the accompanying message of repentance? What kind of shaking do you require God to send before you are stirred up to action?

Those who still live in Europe, what are you now willing to do to get to the United States? If you are not willing to do more than you were before, how are you not living in unbelief? Will you pray to God for protection from the chaos that is obviously increasing all around you? Will you pray for deliverance when that fails? Will he not tell you that he warned you for nearly ten years, and you ignored the warnings?