Uh I was just saying that that you look, you look back on and you accumulate these treasure, these experiences as treasures in heaven where you know, you know, in whom the God you have served. Not from a um I derive strength from trusting in God perspective because you could say that mean that. But um
from a Lord, I did what I did knowing that that's what you wanted me to do and it gives me joy and strength and peace and comfort. All of those things are true. And in that day, you will feel those things that day being the resurrection. And thereafter, but I have to say in my perspective that it just
fills me with sadness that um not that they turned away from light, but that I didn't have the opportunity to, to do more for them because I would have, I would have, I wanna uh I wanna share with you uh something that, that's very valuable, which is um the following information that when Jesus was hanging
on the cross and he said it's finished. Um At least one massive piece of what he meant was he had gotten to the point in his mind and in his heart that he was willing to hang there on the cross in the massive physical pain he was feeling in the moment. Um but also in the even greater indescribable spiritual
pain that he was feeling in that moment. And he was willing to sit there forever to hang there forever if that's what the father wanted. And as we approach closer to that spirit, we will, um we will embrace opportunities to suffer visibly and invisibly for the benefit of those who hate us and who hates
, who hate the God whose love we have felt and whose love we're trying to demonstrate to the world who has not recognized it. So, in short, if you want to fight demons, the way to do that is to be like Jesus. And I think I've given you some specific ways of how to do this and I forewarn you because God
never, he never releases information without it coming with accountability. And so I hope and pray that you use this information um wisely and that you apply it in your life because I promise you that as we approach the end days, the demons are going to be given greater license to deceive and to tempt
and to harm. And God will respond by revealing greater light. But those tools don't need to be recognized or used or we, we retain our, our power of agency to recognize and value them. And use them or to cast them aside as things, if not. And so I counsel you to take these things seriously and to talk