So I want to show you a new feature on Upper and how you can use it to help spread the word. So we've got this quotes page. Here's gonna look a little different because I'm in admin mode. So I can actually create them here. But when you click on this link, you're gonna get some quotes here
. And I'm just right now putting them in and you can tell because I accidentally put in a typo. So we're fixing that one. Don't share that one. That's actually a typo in the original book too, but it'll be edited in the second edition anyway. Uh So we've got these fancy tiles. And so if you're on social
media, you can actually easily share this. Um I if you're on your phone, this will pull up the share menu from your phone. It's whatever social media accounts you have, it should easily port over to that. But I'm on my computer. And so when I click this, I get uh a different menu, but I'm gonna show
you how to quickly queue these up so that you could just go through all the quotes we put on here and share them with people if you want to. So I'm on X here, but I'm sure there's a similar thing you could do on Instagram or Facebook depending on if, if that supports the timing function on posts. But
so what I've done here is I've created um one post for each of these tiles that I've made so far and I didn't do one in here so I could show you how easy it is. So I just copy paste, the little, here's where you can find it, message, right? And then I hit space, go back to here and copy the image and
just paste it right. And so then I've got, it looks like I did that one twice. So uh we're gonna close that tab. So once you get through this, you could do this with all the quotes on X. You can actually time your posts, you click this calendar icon and it'll pull up when you wanna post it. And so you
can pick any day we'll pick tomorrow for this and anytime and you could be strategic with this. Like people get on X for their morning poop or something. So let's pick 6:30 a.m. any time zone and then you just click, confirm and what it's gonna do is it's gonna schedule that post and then you can walk
away. So you could do that for 20 quotes if you want and space these out. So people don't feel like they're getting spammed. And I've actually done this on X with a bunch of quotes that I have. These aren't from joy on purpose, which the tiles are, but these are just text quotes that, um, I've, I've
written up as they've come to me in a text file. And so I went through 11 day when I wanted to take a break from whatever thing I was doing and I just pasted all these in and I've got quotes timed out to next year. Right. So you can do that. And that's something that if you just take a block of 30 minutes
and queue these up on your account, you can do massive good by helping spread the word. So give it a shot if you'd like, it'd be very helpful. So, thank you.