The other day, one of my kids ran inside and he said, dad, dad, you gotta come see this rainbow. And I thought, well, I've seen a bunch of rainbows before. I'm kind of busy. He said, no, dad, you gotta come outside. This red rainbow is incredible. So I came outside and I saw a rainbow that was probably
four times thicker and at least 10 times more vivid than any rainbow I've ever seen in my life. It is amazing. And as I, I stood there marveling for a minute before I got my senses and realized that I was only seeing part of it, the rest was obscured by my house. And so I walked around my house to get
a clearer view of this field. And sure enough, the entire rainbow was visible and the part that had been obscured was even brighter than the part that I could see. Now, rainbow is a sign of the glory of God, his character, his goodness. If you met someone who knew more about God than you did four times
more, 10 times more, would you even notice? Would you come out of the house of your beliefs? Your preconceived notions about God. Would you notice that His goodness is, is much greater than you previously thought or knew? Would you recognize the, the things that you're being shown? What if the person
showing you was like one of your Children? Someone who maybe didn't have any outward reason to know the value of what they were saying? Nothing apparent. Anyway, would you care enough to just peep your head outside and see if there was a rainbow, if you saw the beginnings of a rainbow and the rainbow
was thicker or more intense than you ever saw before, would you think to, to look towards the part that you don't see yet? Would you expect that it's possible that that part is even greater than what you see? This is faith.