I'm going to try to briefly introduce a few ideas about angels uh in general about receipt of information from God through the medium of people. If for some reason that conflicts in your understanding of things. Um uh for the sake of brevity, I'm just gonna have to skip over a whole lot of prerequisite
assumptions. Um So bear with me if we hit on something that just really ruffles your feathers, just just try to deal with it and uh see through that to hear whatever else I'm saying. And then this can sort of form a composite, hopefully um sometime yesterday and it's in responses video titled Rationality
will lead you to God if honestly exercised. Um The comment is what point is there in faith? If pursuit of truth in all capacities is sufficient to bring one closer to God, what purpose is the proselytizing? I, well, I don't think that that is supposed to be there. What purpose is proselytizing? If simply
the pursuit of what is rationally justified is faith doesn't rationality exist as a system apart from scripture. If rationality exists outside of scripture and the pursuit of which is climbing the path towards Godliness, then what purpose is served in any other teaching than rationality? Ok. So first
thing to note, if these questions seem overly erudite or uh verbose, please realize that in spite of how they might be formed and whether or not there's a simpler way of phrasing it, I'm not sure. Uh But in spite of all that, this question hits on pretty much everything you do every single day and every
single piece of whatever it is you believe about God. So it's massively relevant, I should say they are. It's a set of questions. These, these ideas are massively important. OK. So that's the first point. Second point is um, several of these ideas or ideas that are pretty close to them touch upon overlap
with are uh described at length in a book I wrote called Through Faith. Don't worry if you're thinking, where the heck is this going to? We're gonna get right back to angels. Bear with me though. So, um the next point that I want to make is that these very questions are definitely going to be addressed
in books that I'm writing but have not yet published. And this video, this rationality willingly exercised was um an attempt to record an extremely concise and probably overly simplified chunk of those thoughts that I believed could be conveyed in a useful way, at least to some people, certainly not
everyone that's going to hear it. And that those, you know, this is when Jesus said, let those who have ears to hear. Um, it's sort of, there's an God has an early warning system and as the voice cascades down through the pyramid to the base, it gets, uh, louder and clearer. But for some people, there's
enough there early on that they can derive a great deal of that eventual value without needing to wait. Ok. So let's try to tie all this in one thing that there's a whole collection of topics that are titillating to Christians. Like uh you can search these topics and you'll find, you'll find websites
and videos and whatever resources, uh best selling books that, that reference these topics. There's a lot of views, a lot of attention. So for example, how do I hear God's voice and everybody sort of goes after that. And then there are some of these topics that are more specific to certain sects of Christianity
and you can, you can flag those and become familiar with them. Um But it turns out that um it turns out that focusing on those things almost always is an example of what the scriptures call, looking beyond the mark. How so well, everything in the gospel and in the world, in reality, everything is sequential
. And when you focus on something that several steps ahead of where you are, you're guaranteed to never find it your wheel. And um another scriptural phrase that refers to this idea is ever learning. And never coming to a knowledge of the truth. You can endlessly invest effort in something in such a
way that you will never ever come to what you seek. And rather than seeing this is rare, it's actually what, what is almost always the case, everything that everyone does, everything they say they want, almost everything about that is ineffectual. Another scriptural phrase is vain imaginations. They'll
never ever get to that thing that they say they want because they're not on the path to it and the path they're on doesn't lead to where they think it does. So it turns out it's super, super important to know or figure out what the very next thing is. And you know, while having an idea of what comes
later is super important and you should have a goal, that's a big picture goal and those are not negotiable that those are essential. However, your effort should be focused on the thing right in front of you. It's usually a set of things. And so, uh for example, just to get really practical, this is
just a very specific example, drilling right down to give you an idea. If you think that you just, I mean, you just want to study the scriptures all the time and go out and serve people and you have all these really, really good uh desires for the path to that end. It, it probably starts right around
you. How so like should you find ways to work less. So you can read the scriptures more or, um, you know, whatever. Sure. But that's not what I mean. You probably do things all day long every day that in your current belief of how God is, you cannot believe he would do the same. They put it differently
all day long. You're probably doing things that God would not do in your place and you're probably not doing things that God would do in your place. And you're, you're just like the Pharisees with their corbin sacrifice. And they'd say, well, I can't help my parents because this money is dedicated to
God. And that was their excuse. And then they'd go out and spend it in a way that wasn't dedicated to God. But even if they did, you know, give it to the temple or something, probably in front of people because they wanted the attention. So that's not really for God. Anyway, the Lord had commanded for
, for Children, they're older and so uh honor your father and your mother. That means a lot more than that. But it certainly includes that. So they were breaking God's commandment right in front of them, using the excuse that there was something far off that was better and that they were, they were honoring
God by actually disobeying him somehow. And this is a super common thing to do. It was common in the, in the past. It's, it's, I could give more examples but that's, that's probably, that's probably sufficient both in terms of practical examples today and things from the scriptures that, that talk about
this. So, what does this have to do with angels? Well, um let's, let's dig a little bit more and we'll get to the payload. Um, this person, they, they made this comment on youtube. Now, I actually talk about a bunch of these ideas in this book through faith and look, most people on this planet don't
know that book exists. I bet a bunch of people on this channel haven't read that book. And uh one reason for that, do I want to get into that? That off? Um Fair enough. Right. Fair enough. Now, let, let's get into it. Let's get into it. One reason for that is that we're trained in the world to evaluate
whether or not we want to read a book on the author's ability to give a 20 minute version of that book as an extremely polished talk that they've given 300 times all around the world. And that's when we go and we buy the book or we wait until some like four of our friends say you've got to read this
book or maybe we wait until someone hits us over the head with it, one of our friends. Um or maybe we wait until it's an international bestseller and we see it while we're at the airport and it's just right in our face and we think, 0, 20 people have told me about this book and I've got two hours where
I can't do anything. Maybe I'll buy this book and read it. So, um what's the problem with that? That's not the way God can work through those things, but that's not the most direct way he works information. It, it like so many other things. It, it exists on a hierarchy and the more valuable the information
is the more difficult it will be to express it concisely, the more valuable the information is the more difficult it will be to express it concisely. We're trained in the opposite. We think that the the most profound things can be said in the briefest of terms, all of our mechanisms for publication,
um a at least in a modern sense are geared towards this, this false principle. You expect to see some inspirational quote on Instagram that just fits inside a little image or um you wanna hear some sound bite on tiktok that uh totally changes your life. What you don't realize is you're imposing very
narrow windows on what you can receive. So that window it's comprised of the limiting criteria with which you screen potential information. So again, a practical example of this is, are you willing to read a book to learn something? If so what boxes have to be checked before you'll read that book? Maybe
you say like I won't pay for it, but I'll read it for free. Ok. So if the author provided a free PDF, you'd read it or if someone bootlegged the Ebook or if they provided, uh, someone read it on youtube and you could hear an unofficial audio book or something. Right. Ok. Well, that's, that's an example
of one of these limiting factors. You might have others, like they'll have to make a super polished talk where they are basically giving away the content of the book in a, in a 20 minute summary. And then you can decide if it's worth reading the book. Well, we could go on. But, but any criterion you
impose the problem is it's gonna exclude certain things. So for example, the, the highly polished talk one, someone who has a full time job doing something else is not going to be able to do that. Furthermore, if the topic is not attractive to the world, they're not going to be able to do that. And you
might counter that by saying, yeah, but they're religious authors that write popular books. Yeah. And what's in them? When has there ever been a person who read such a book and actually changed their life so that they were more like Jesus, has it ever happened? So, the only popular book I can think of
that fits that bill is the scriptures, which people don't actually read and the ones who read it them, they don't actually do what the book says. All right. So I'm not sure there's a counterexample to that one, but maybe, you know, of one. So, um, people who want to become popular, they have to water
down their message a lot and, or talk about something people wanna hear. Well, folks don't really want to hear the truth, not in any sizable number. And as far as watering things down, if you're gonna water it down, you don't need a book. And sure enough when you hear these polished talks and then you
go read the book, the talk was probably more substantive and more effective than the book. And there are other reasons for that, that we don't need to be overly harsh on these authors. When you give a talk 200 times after you've invested all the effort to write the book, of course, you're gonna polish
your message, you're gonna ways of expressing things. And so it's a bit unfair to judge in that way. But I think the best books cannot be reduced to 20 or 40 minute talks without losing almost everything that's in them. And if they can be, then maybe they shouldn't have been books in the first place
or maybe the whole purpose of a book should just be to refine your message for yourself and then you go out and speak it. And that's an interesting thought. Of course, you can't make money on that. And that's another one of these limiting factors, is so many of these things will only be done if the purpose
is to make money. So now going back to the free PDF and all that, you, you could go down the list of all of these limiting criteria and, and see what it filters out and it's not, you're going to filter out good things by applying these, these, these limits. So, um now let's bring this more into the whole
realm of angels. The number one reason people don't receive angels uh today. And I'm not saying all there are no people who do, I have received angels. There are people who have been ministered to by angels today and uh that the, the actual number might surprise you. Uh I have it written down right here
. Just kidding. But it's, it's a large number. And so um the reason isn't because God doesn't do that anymore. He doesn't change. He always operates according to the same rules, same laws, the, the difference. If there's ever a difference in how he acts, it's 100% because of how we act. He's always operating
by the same law since the foundation of the world. So, uh that, that's very important. So why is it that some people are receiving angels? But most people who say they're Christians are not. The number one reason is because they are willingly sinning, they are willingly doing less than their best. They
are willingly doing what Jesus would not do in their place and they know it and they're willingly doing, not doing what Jesus would do in their place and they know it when they're going through their day, there will be something where they say, you know, I should do this or, you know, I should stop doing
this and go do this instead and instead of actually obeying that voice, they just say me, whatever lie, a little sin, a little who cares in the end, we're all saved. Angels do not come to those people. But I've spent a lot of time trying to address the topic of repentance. I wrote a book about it. You
should read it if you have not and you should live it if you're not. But um, so, so we're just going to, we mentioned that and we're gonna move on. So what about people who have repented? Now, um I'm not naive about how small the number of people what I'm about to say applies to. But one of the reasons
I'm making this is that I think we can all learn from these things, but I'm just making it very plain that even in making all the changes that I'm about to um, briefly mention a few of this is not a complete set. Um If you don't do A B is not gonna help you. So, repentance is absolutely nonnegotiable
. Ok. So now, now we finally, with that preamble, hopefully this video didn't get corrupted yet. I've been having a lot of technical difficulties um with that long preamble, now we're actually gonna get to what I wanted to say. And this is the surprise and this is where we're gonna tie back to this comment
. These questions are enormously important. But furthermore, if a person is so jumbled that, now, now le let me back up, I have a step. Let's suppose that my perspective on rationality is true or is more true than the typical understanding of it, especially in the Christian world. And, and I'm talking
about in relation to faith, if I'm right, how far off from the truth is a person who has these Quis guy wrote guy or gal on youtube Worlds Apart. It's a huge gulf between these two perspectives. So given that what window is being provided for someone who knows me to help this person cross that Gulf,
I know where they're coming from. I used to believe what they believe. I could write a whole book about it. And now I know what God has taught me that's much more effective than that. It's much truer than that. And I know everything that comes between it. What window am I being given to respond to these
questions? Well, I did write a response, it was sort of a an avoidant response. But when I answer questions or comments like this, I know full well that there's about a 90% chance the person's never even gonna come back to the, to the comment in the 10% chance that they read it. There's a really small
chance that they actually cared to know the answer anyway. And an even smaller chance that between their understanding and rational ability and honesty and my ability to basically um my ability to articulate it to provide persuasive arguments for it. And also clearly explain what I'm saying between that
. There's an immensely tiny chance that we can connect this person with greater light and truth. It's tiny. Why not? Because the information doesn't exist and not because there isn't a willingness to share it, tremendous willingness. It's because the asker has given such a small window that it's basically
impossible for what they seek to fit in it. And in many cases when we do this, it is impossible for what we seek to fit in it. God can do all things but not in all ways. So much of the Gospel is just about and creation in our lives and everything is just about helping us expand our windows. So I, 11
thing I said in my response to this, I said, uh how badly do you want to know this? Right? OK. But, but I want to clue you in on a challenge that I face pretty much every day where I will see a need for something that God has taught me in the life of someone else. And all other challenges aside, one
of these challenges is how can I phrase how can I package that information in a way where this person perceives, receives values and lives? What I know what I have perceived, received, valued and lived. How do you make a bridge between where they are and where they could be given the limitations that
they impose on the interaction? What does this have to do with angels? Well, we don't need to get into how all mortal people can and should be angels. We don't need to get into what angels actually are and where the heck they come from, like whether they're created beings or human, essentially, we don't
need to get into any of that. What we need to do is realize how we limit, start to realize because you're not gonna get the full dose of it here, how we limit God and how, um the point I wanted to make and maybe I'll just state it instead of trying to make a case for it. There are so many more angels
trying to visit you right now, all of the time every day than you can possibly realize. You're sitting here. You know, hoping that maybe one day an angel will come and visit you. They're banging down your door every day. Why don't you notice there's a set of reasons, but one of them is you are not giving
them the opportunities that they need to convey what you need. That's, that's second to repentance. Your window is too narrow. That's the reason so we could go through some, what some of these things are. But, but, um, just some of them, right, one of them is, uh, angels speak to you. They don't always
have to be, you don't necessarily have to hear their voice as an audible voice. Although that can absolutely happen and it does happen most of the times it pops into your mind as a thought. And, um, you know, saying this will always trigger in many people this automatic reaction. How do I know if it's
God's voice or my voice? God's voice is the voice of improvement. Ask if what that idea is, would be better than what you would do instead and if it is go with it, it's really that simple. You ought to be doing the best, you know, all the time. And one of the purposes of these interactions is to open
our minds to things we never ever would have considered before. A common theme of interactions with God is that the person comes away, surprised and even say something. 00, I'll, I'll ne I never would have guessed that I never would have supposed this or that because he gives you ideas. He gives you
feelings, he shows you limits of a richness of feeling that you never would have believed was real or existed or was possible. He also suggests things that are way harder than you ever thought you could do. And he does it again and again and again and not just harder, sometimes you will see them as really
, really bad. And I, I'm not saying only go out and do this atrocious thing, this thing that you thought was atrocious, like Abraham killing his son or other examples from, from the scriptures. Um and, and like, hey, don't get some crazy idea and say Rob Smith said um primarily what I'm talking about
is you say God, I want this great thing and he goes, ok, here's how you're gonna get it. March straight into hell. You're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I think you misunderstood. I'm asking for heaven. And he says, yeah, here's how you get it. March straight into hell. I don't want to dwell too
much on that, but I'm just trying to give you a taste. And so when people get these voices of angels in their head, you know, voices, they get these ideas, uh these thoughts, they immediately dismiss them and they say, well, you know, if God wanted to tell me that he'd tell me through these other channels
, he'd tell this guy at church and the guy at church would tell me or um you know, he pointed out to me in the scriptures or um this is what my parents would have taught me since I was born. And actually, it contradicts all that. Well, guess what? Uh you just shut down a valid message from God through
angels and we're always on a direction. We're always on a path and we're either finding and receiving more or we're going the other way, guess which way you're going. And I mentioned this in my video on how to have more dreams, which incidentally is one of these, um these sexy topics, these sexy religious
topics that people go crazy for. Um, and I wasn't thinking about that. I was just following orders when I made the video and then after I made it, and I saw the, the views go up, I was like, oh no, because I try to stay away from these things. Uh I mentioned in the, in the, in the dream video. People
say, I wish I could have a dream from God. I say you already have, you might not remember it because one function of denying God is that you forget some things. You don't have as much awareness as you used to have. You lose something. Um But maybe you do remember when you had this dream from God and
he showed you something you were meant to do or he showed you something you were meant not to do or he showed you something that was gonna happen in the future and you completely ignored it. Maybe you pulled a Jonah and you ran the opposite way. And now you're sitting here saying, oh, I wish I had dreams
. Well, you need to go to God and repent of blowing it before and maybe he'll send you another chance now with angels. So, dreams are dreams or they're not dreams, but there's a hierarchy of angels. And this is a really important idea. When you blow it with a higher angel, you will get sent a lower angel
. Now, that's extremely merciful. It's a wonderful thing, but an angel can only help you to the extent of his or her own relationship with God. And like I said, it's all hierarchical so a lower angel can come and minister to you after you've messed it up with a, with a higher angel, but they have less
to offer you. And that's not just in absolute quantities, their ability to persuade you to do what's right will be reduced. They just aren't as good now to make matters worse because you're not very good either. Everyone kind of starts out from zero. We're all fallen men and women. You're not starting
out with the angel Gabriel in all likelihood, right? You've got like Jim Bob, the level one, whatever. And you know, I'm just being flippant with this. It's super serious. But um, odds are that, um, you need to start at the bottom and go up. So if you blow it at the bottom and go down from there, it's
really gonna get messy. So what do I mean by this? You know, when you think of receiving angels, you're thinking of this theophany and this shiny person and it's like you can't even look at them because they're so bright, whatever. Um, that happens, but it's probably not going to happen to you. And when
you ask for an angel, that's probably not what's going to come, it's probably going to be in the form of a person mortal, you know, who has nothing about them that evokes any indication that this is a holy experience. There are a lot of reasons for this and I can't get into it right now. But this is
where um well, yeah, I'm just gonna try to make this really shallow to get through it and not get hung up on this. But you need to be ruthlessly focused on searching for improvement because that's how you're going to key in to something God's trying to send you. It's not gonna be through some overt halo
kind of thing or whatever the, you know, the heavens opening, all that can happen. It's, it's wonderful when it does, but it's a ladder and you're on the bottom rung. So you, you should not be looking for Gabriel. Although if he comes, it's gonna be really obvious and, and you know, do what you need
to do with that. But um, you know, you're not the Virgin Mary, you're not the parents of John, the um that's probably not gonna happen to you. At least right now you should be looking for lower messengers because you're lower and what you need is not to be told that you're going to have the, you're going
to birth the son of God. What you need to be told is, hey, uh, spend more time with your kids, get your kids out of public schools or? Hey, you're a young man, a young woman. Here's how you can best prepare for the rest of your life or hey, don't go to college. That's a really dumb thing to do. Now,
if you've watched any of my videos, hopefully some bells are ringing pun intended. If you've seen, it's a wonderful life because these are the exact things I've been telling you. Now, I've been telling you a whole bunch of other things too. Right? But there's a subset of what I've been telling you that
fits precisely in the category of what a lower messenger would tell you if from heaven, if they popped out of the sky right now, you know, now you're watching this channel. Most people on earth are not. So where the heck is anyone going to hear this stuff? Because they won't receive it in the window
that they've provided. They're not on this channel. And I'm not saying this is a unique source for those things I just mentioned to me, all of those things are common sense that any reasonable person should already know and be doing and be telling others about. But just think of the set of the, the unfortunately
rare set of sources where someone could hear these, how many young people are going to school every day and, um, you know, they, they do not interact with a single person that tells them maybe college is a bad idea and I'm just getting very practical with this. We could, we could zoom out and do you
know how many people who are locked up in a, in organized religion? Have anyone who knows the, the guts of that organized religion and who lived it? Like, like Paul lived being a pharisee and can preach to the Pharisees and say, look, I know what you're all about. And here's my credentials. What you're
looking for is actually not here. It's over here and here are my really strong reasons for why that is. Well, you know, it's a letter to the Hebrews. Um Well, those people are few and far between. Now. The sad thing about this is no matter what a person is seeking in life, there's a path to it and God
absolutely deploys all the people necessary to connect. You do exactly what you want. There's a chain right to it, instantly deployed. It's always available. You don't have it because you're so limited in what you're willing to see and honestly respond to. And that's ironically, this ties back to this
person's questions. There's this idea that faith topics, that spiritual topics are something different than the temporal world in reality. It's all the same. So when you sit there kneeling down and praying for God to send you an angel, your whole life is full of angels. You're just ignoring them. And
I, I'm not saying everyone you meet is an angel. I'm what I'm saying is you're constantly saturated by enough of them that and most of them don't know that they're angels, by the way, they do know the higher you go. It, it happens quite quickly. In fact, by these, these lifelines that God is throwing
you constantly and you're swatting them away. So you have more room to pray, like get these lifelines out of here. I'm trying to pray here. What's your problem? Right? And the more you want and the better it is, the bigger that window has to be for you to receive it. I've talked about this before, but
here's another practical example. Uh maybe, you know, a young person who's of the appropriate age and maturity level that they are seeking a spouse, they wanna get married and they have this idea about the person, they want. The kind of quality of person that would be that is that fulfills what they
seek. What's their window? Because if their strategy for finding that person is sitting at home praying for 10 minutes every morning, let's say, and then going and living a completely normal life, they will never ever find what they're looking for because God could finds that could possibly be thrown
and they'll swat them away as something that's more than what they're willing to do. And this is an absolute travesty and I see it all the time across every possible des desire, every righteous desire. See it all the time. And people say I want this, I want this, I want this, I want this. What are you
willing to get to do to get it? Uh Basically nothing. But isn't that religion? I mean, we pray for things we don't deserve and then magically they show up through Heavenly Fedex. No, that is not the way it works. Folks. That's not the way it works. I think I've said enough about this. But look, if you
want something that's extreme compared to what other people have, the path to obtaining, it will always be extreme. It's just the way it works. So before you, now if you're the kind of person who doesn't like extreme things to, to do extreme things that I'm not gonna say that's great. But if that's the
way it is and you're not willing to change, OK, what you should focus your effort on is changing your desire cause you're not willing to change how you feel act and think uh in order to get what you desire, so you need to change what you feel act and think regarding that desire. In other words, adjust
your desire down to what you're willing to do about it. And that will make you as happy as you're willing to be. You're not gonna be nearly as happy as someone who is, who was willing to dare to desire great things and also to dare to do good, great things to get it. You're not gonna, it's not even gonna
be close, but for you in the limits you're imposing, you will be immensely more happy than if you simultaneously try to connect to a desire. That's more than what you're willing to do to get it and to actions that are way less than you need to, to do to get it. You'll be split and you'll be miserable
, you'll be absolutely miserable. The only way for you to minimize that minist, uh, misery in life will be to ignore reality and hide from it. You're gonna, you know, even if you're not doing the whole drugs, crazy relationships travel the world, whatever self-destruction double down on work, whatever
you're using to fill that hole synthetically and it never works. It always rots out and leaves you worse than you would have been in the first place to just leave it, whatever, whatever efforts you do to put in there. Um, it, it'll not only not work to relieve your misery, it will also make everything
else in your life worse because when you willingly turn away from what, you know, you lose some of your ability to see everything else. So don't do that. All right, I've said some, some tremendously valuable things here and I hope that, uh, you watch this, you listen to it a couple of times and you think
through how you might need to adjust your life to be more willing to receive angels. Um I don't know specifically if I said this or just for the sake of making sure that I did, I mentioned how you can degrade in the level of messenger that you receive. You can also increase. And that's very important
. And how do you do that? Well, you live up to everything you're given. If you, if you uh perceive, receive value and live what you're given, you will be given more and the more will probably come through this same angel who's working through with you, uh, seen or unseen mortal or heavenly. It doesn't
matter until they run out of capability to feed you more. Jesus said to Peter, feed my sheep. Well, different people have different quality of food and quantity of food and, uh, once you run out, they'll, God will see to it that you, uh find what you need through another angel. Ok. Um, like I said, I