All right, this is just a little test. I wanna see how this works. Uh We're going to set up A Q and A next week, one week from today Saturday, uh December 31st 10 a.m. Mountain Time. And I'll have a guest here helping to moderate the discussion. Uh, our intent and we may change this. We're gonna be flying
by the seat of our pants. Our intent is for he and I to have a discussion um where we pick out questions to guide us from what is submitted as comments to this video as well as uh questions that come through live. Um, next Saturday morning. So if you see this sometime between now and then I'm going to
put a link for the next live stream here and on my blog. Um So feel free to join us. I think that, uh I've never done this before. I think there are settings that you can choose which uh if you want questions from subscribers or anyone or whatever. And uh we'll just kind of give it a give it a go and
see how it goes. Um So there's been, um, there have been a few people who have strongly attempted to persuade me to do this. One of them is calling me right now. So I'm gonna end this. Um, actually he probably saw me kick this off and maybe he's mad because I didn't tell him about it ahead of time. Anyway
. Um, so we'll, we'll give it a go. Their reasons were persuasive to me. I expressed my concerns and, um, I said I'll try it at least once and we'll see how beneficial it is for people. And, um, anyway, so we'll give it a shot and see how it goes and I'll try to not have such abrasive lighting behind
me. Um, ok. Well, we'll see you next week. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and hopefully you have some time this week to enjoy with your families. Chow.