them in a Consolidated place for people to quickly reference as needed yes that is something that I have thought of I I think it's it's sweet of you to
video instead of uh just replying to the email the the thought was that this might be accelerated in time if we could crowdsource this at least as a start so
uh of course on if you're a registered user you can use the search feature and that will actually index across all the books and blog posts and
video and I will assemble those and add those to that book or maybe it will be on I'm not sure yet but that will help accelerate this because it's
what it's worth and your my page may vary and and that's one reason why there isn't a glossery in each book is because it's quite important to be able to
charge anything for them so that's wonderful and I appreciate it and if you haven't done so I encourage you to consider uh a monthly recurring donation
timestamps in the transcription of the videos were relevant you could you can search through those results so so why do you have to sign in to do the search
of I'm going to get in trouble for saying this but I don't care uh Amos 3:7 says that God won't do things unless he warns people first and it's interesting
because in our time you know Amos didn't have a pager or a cell phone or the internet or anything like that he didn't even have a machine and so um in our day
blogs or videos that you like or even if you don't like it go ahead and post it in the comments maybe especially if you don't like it and uh you can share with