ideal so I'll teach this through an example which is the example of moving something I've spoken a lot about let's suppose you've heard at least some of
but the cost is too high or the benefits too low or there are constraints in my life things I'm not willing to do things my spouse is not willing to do or my
that has lower benefit but way lower cost so it tends to be the case that good things have exponentially higher costs than things that are less good so
the better something becomes the the cost usually grows geometrically it's not linear it's not that something much better is equally more expensive it's
ideal can easily carry a cost that's much greater than what you're willing to pay the question becomes can you hack that curve to get less benefit at a much
cost so with the example of moving there are many ways you could hack this one that people tend to think about is well I'll get some people together and buy a
people you convince to go with you in on this thing will absolutely disappoint you in what you expect them to do subsequently there are reasons for this
over and that gives you the an Avenue where you can impose your expectations on them as the one who's making it all happen and getting it in writing is very
work um usually those leases you'll want to have some kind of a an expulsion Clause where you can ask them to leave I'm I'm being overly polite here you can
pre previously agreed upon reasonable amount would be and so with that in mind it's very hard to make a a deal where you say well I don't have the capital to
buy this acreage but they're going to give me money in exchange for a lease to be able to live there if if you can boot them out any time but you have to pay
so uh and I realize I'm just blowing through all these things that you've probably never thought about and there's so much more to say about it but I'm
so here's something that you might not have thought about which you probably should be thinking about which is what what's a smaller entry point maybe you
these things is a single step just like the greater picture of repentance it's a process the process is not jumping from where you are to this thing that you
don't have any clue what it's going to be like the process is making the small changes that are before you that might feel very large and recognizing that
afraid to do the thing we need to do that we know we need to do we invent something much bigger and just pretend that it's going to be perfect and it's
move on to a big we is whatever set of people that you can convince to do this we're all going to move on this plot of land and farm it and be a community good
don't we join ly find a place to move where we're individually purchasing a home and a yard not acreage per se but if you can find that and it works out
do or hey I'm going to grow Brown chickens and you can grow I'm going to raise Brown chickens you can raise white chickens and then we'll we'll use that
year and know which chickens we need to slaughter you can do things like that or you can do things like hey uh we have some kind of ruminant that needs pasture
them on pasture back and forth between our Lots or if we have milking animals um I I can go on vacation while you take over the milking and you can go on
vacation while I take over the milking or you just alternate every day if you have a milk cow you just alternate who comes and milks a cow whatever the case
so what are the barriers well obviously you still have to move and the huge problem is work you have to find work but if you live in a metropolitan area
includes having a house that was built in in the less than 5 years ago and all these square feet and everything else then you're probably not going to be
one thing and doing another and dealing with you know six layers deep of motives because people aren't honest and all these things and you discover this
through doing these sorts of things well again that's part of the process and so think about that think about downsizing the ideal and what steps could you take
now to move into that oh that that's one thing I meant to talk about that I forgot one downside that people identify is they'll say well I don't want to
move we live it it's kind of a shocker but there are many people today who live in the same house from when they're born to when they move out which is way later
than they used to so the idea of living in the same house from birth until 26 that's a historic anomaly on many levels now I I grew up on the other side
of the spectrum there I moved 18 times before I turned 18 and that's also not good but we need to let go of this idea that you buy your dream home and you
soon and that you should let that sink in and you can choose to disbelieve me on that I don't really care it's going to happen and the writing is already on
the wall you're going to have increasing reasons to move as time goes on and no one will have the option of staying where they live so you may as well let
that go early based on wisdom or else you're just going to suffer more for no reason so there's a time now where we have opportunities that will evaporate
with time and they already are and they have been for some time if you're paying attention you've seen that if if you moved to a nicer place 10 years ago when
and I encourage you to think about them there's probably a situation where you can find another family I just aim for one if you can get two that's great but
the more you join together the harder it is but find another family that you get along well with and maybe maybe it's a sibling who knows a sibling of the
separate properties deeded to each individual but you can start working together on things and see how that goes you'll learn an awful lot and it has a