so I'm recording this on December 29th 2024 and lately on social media there's been quite the discussion about H1B visas and I thought it might be a good time to share with you some thoughts about what is coming in terms of immigration it's always a trade-off I have a lot of things to talk about and only so much time and juggling between writing books making videos Etc I I have
to try to get things out in the most logical order and sometimes like in the case of these things that I'm going to share with you I've been sitting on them for quite some time and I start to get the feeling that if I don't share them soon most of what's in here will will maybe be common knowledge whereas right now it it'll be maybe quite a surprise still in this presentation we're going
to review something you've probably heard about we're going to talk about things you haven't heard about I'm going to share with you an incredibly important key for understanding and also generating prophecy and I'm going to help you see some of the possibilities for what is to come and share some advice on how to prepare okay so the thing you've
probably heard about is this phrase the remnant of Jacob it's all over the scriptures there are are many references to it you'll see a whole bunch in Isaiah for example now I'm not going to talk at end about this you can find that in other places but there is a lot to it it's valid it's important essentially this a phrase that is somewhat generic it just
refers to people who are descendants of Israel that includes and this is very important it includes those who don't know that the vast majority of people who are descendants of Israel do not know that they are descendants of Israel and that shouldn't come as a surprise because it's a pattern you probably haven't thought about it but it's a pattern
that's visible in so many other things if you want to look at uh people with Irish ancestry for example the pattern is there are more Irish outside of Ireland than inside ofel Ireland and there are more people with Irish ancestry than those who know that they have Irish
ancestry now this pattern is is somewhat modified since the widespread development of and deployment of DNA testing but that isn't very good so um and not everyone has done that and it's still pretty recent but the point is it's true of Irish people it's true of Jewish people it's true of Israelites
in general it's true of Native Americans so that pattern is true all those properties that there are more outside than in more unknown than known okay and that's actually really important for the end times although it's not super important for this presentation so it's correct to use this phrase to describe all dispersed Israel
you'll see a reference for that in third NE 5524 it's also correct to use this phrase to specifically refer to to those members of dispersed Israel in the United States like is used in 35212 but that's just a subset of the phrase it's not it doesn't refer to them only it's anyone who's descended from
Israel The Remnant means still here right people alive today who have descended from Israel so there's a general pattern prophesied of many times through the scriptures of in the end times this people coming in to Gentile I'll say Nations but it's
probably better just say areas because you could apply this to actual countries continents um States cities towns and the pattern is that they'll come in and that what the Gentiles had before in terms of prosperity and socioeconomic superiority
will be stripped away the details of of when of how it all varies but here's an example Mormon 524 it's says therefore repent ye and humble yourselves before him him is the Lord lest he shall come out in Justice against you lest a remnant of the seed of Jacob shall go forth among you as a lion and tear you in pieces and there is
none to deliver now again I don't want to spend an hour talking about the remnant of Jacob this is information that's already out there you can find it and you can probably figure it out more more easily than the other things I'm going to tell you today but one point I want to make explicitly this is not just righteous people in fact numerically they are the
minority most of the people that can be described with this phrase are not going to be righteous people and just getting a little bit more into this the Fulfillment of these prophecies are duel in nature the remnant of Jacob prophecies because in the one side of
fulfillment is what the righteous people do and then in the other side it's what the wicked among them do and you can interpret these things like a lion going forth and tearing them in pieces and there is none to to deliver what would that look like for righteous person well they would obliterate all of your excuses for being Wicked
maybe they have gifts from heaven and demonstrable power from heaven but they at least will have the ability to persuade you and leave you without excuse even if you don't listen to them and don't obey what they're teaching you they will leave you without excuse on the on the other side with the wicked what does this look like well they're robbing you they're murdering
you they're raping you they're burning things down they're you know so on and so forth they're filling the welfare roles they're taking your job okay uh righteous people will also take your job but there's a there's a VIN diagram here but again I just want to sort of blurt that out and move on so you can take that and run with it so now I want to highlight some
examples of this that are already under way and you may be more or less aware of this so the first I want to talk about is visas so immigration visas not the credit card there are a multitude of visas available to enter the US and I'm not going to go into detail about all those I don't have the details on all of them I am unusually familiar with a couple of
them for various reasons from my family and professional life so let's talk about this one called H1B it's a Visa for skilled individuals to come to the US and take jobs that companies say they cannot fill with Americans American citizens and and the reason is that they're they're not available in sufficient numbers that's
so for H1B you put together an application on behalf of a person that would take the job and then you send it off and there's a lottery and there's a set number of slots that they fill and then they verify your defense of why it's needed and then the person gets to come here and work for a certain amount of time and then from there there are Avenues to convert
that there's a pathway to to citizenship from there so what some people know that some people don't know that but what far fewer people know is that this is wildly abused by companies in the United States and the worst Defenders are the tech companies so what happens is for for a long time for years and years Tech
workers were in short supply and so the salary started to get astronomical and what do I mean by that so just a couple of years ago preo if you got a Bachelor's degree in computer science you could get hired at 88 or $92,000 a year with full benefits and really cushy time off and
everything else in spite of the fact that it would take you six months to a year of on the job work before in in many cases before you could add any value whatsoever to that company in many cases those people would change jobs before they ever got to the point where they were adding value more than their cost to the company and you say well why were companies even hiring them because
investors wanted to see increases in the number of employees and so not to get too off the rails here but in the the free money environment of no interest rate money printing from the federal government the The Venture Capital people had a lot of money and they were playing this game of hot potato where they'd invest in a in a in a company just starting out with the int not that the company would make some
product later and become profitable but that they would hit metrics that were were not well I don't want to say made up but uh metrics indicating some kind of growth as a company that wasn't necessarily connected at all to an actual product or customers and then they'd flip the Hot Potato it's like flipping a house to other investors and they'd get their shares
bought out and then they'd rinse and repeat and this just kept going you had companies who had been through these rounds many many times and it was working very well for a lot of people to get rich right but the problem was the developers salaries got so inflated so quickly that like I said the entry level people were just making crazy amounts of
money while not really adding much value at all so as interest rates started increasing these tech companies started losing a lot of money because now they couldn't just borrow the money or get more VC rounds because the VCS stopped um investing so much because they they didn't have as much access to it it became more expensive for them to access
it and um these these entry-level people were quickly identified as Surplus because they were costing the companies a fortune so against this backdrop drop and and this isn't the unique cause of this but it's a it's a principal component to help understand the problem ever since the 90s when this law was first passed the H1B law companies have used this as a
mechanism to artificially suppress wages in their companies and and it's kind of complicated how they do that but the long and short of it is um these H1 we workers are essentially indentured servants their only way to stay here is to keep that visa and so they'll agree to very bad working conditions and
terrible salary because it's still way more than they would get in their home country which is typically a place like India and um with that culture that they're coming from and also the pressure they're under they'll work maybe twice as many hours a week as American citizens will and maybe for as little as half to pay and what it
does is it creates a culture where all the other workers are pushed to work a lot more hours and also where they the employer can push down the wages of everyone else saying that well you know this is this is just what we pay and it wouldn't work if those h-1bs weren't there so that's my brief summary of that issue now to make matters a lot more shady several very large quote unquote
Consulting companies have made a complete scam of this by hiring I'm trying to think I think cognizant is one of them I think they have 85,000 h-1bs hiring massive quantities of h-1bs and then skirting the because the US has these regulations that uh or they use equations to limit the discount that you
can have on an H1B employee versus it has to be in line with what you're paying the other employees so to get around that they would hire the H1B through the consulting company and now they don't have to prove that that person's getting paid as much as the normal Developers for example because they say no but these guys are Consultants they're not normal
developers right so they skirt that and then they start laying off massive amounts of developers because it's so much cheaper to go with the h-1bs via the um consulting firms and then the consulting firms would skim a bunch of the money they were billing to the the tech companies and so on so it's a big
big scam now how big of a scam well and and not all these jobs were rerouted through Consulting but this is this is an amalgam of of a bunch of different causes I mentioned two of them the the drying up of the cheap money and then these Consultants but they other factors so in 2022 100,000 employees were laid off now
again these are six figure salaries okay uh in a lot of these companies in these time frames a mid-level career person was making 150 or more a year and it wasn't it's not uncommon for senior level to be making over 200 and and it depends a lot on where these jobs are and everything else but that's that's a very it's not hard to find that so
2000 excuse me 2022 there were 100,000 laid off in 2023 is 200,000 and this year it's been 150,000 in 2024 now many of these jobs were rehired with h-1bs and there are multiple news articles you can search all these companies Disney Apple a bunch of big companies have been busted doing this and then they settle out of court with uh with a class action suit and there
are news articles in the mainstream about that that you could look up it's been a huge scam so what is the economic impact of getting laid off if you're making $200,000 a year that's huge it's not like you can just go work at bues as a manager and make make up for that right
it's a very very different life you've you've tuned to that for years and years and years and you're working hard you know you're still working 50 60 70 hours a week on these higher paid development jobs but you can't keep up with this H1B who works at least that much probably longer hours and they make half as much as you do okay so then there are all these
other Visa programs too it's not just H1B and H1B like I said There are rules about the minimums that you have to pay these people nationally I think it's 65k you can't go lower than that it's something like that but then they use economic data for the job description in the region and you have to be within a certain threshold and that like I said they're way of skirting ways of skirting
that but there are all all sorts of other Visa programs including for lower paid employees where there's no salary floor or hourly pay floor and a lot of these are non-technical jobs uh H1B also has a cap on the number their visa programs that don't so the point is that this these programs are absolutely already siphoning off major
numbers of jobs from American citizens now I don't want to get in the economics of this obviously uh if they didn't have um immigrants to fill these jobs either the jobs would go vacant or they'd have to offer more money for the pay or someone would just have to work more you know but the the details it's not as simple as if there weren't
immigrants then these jobs would go to currently unemployed people that's that's that's way too much of an over simplification but it is having an enormous economic effect already then you've got the illegals now this is not a new thing illegal immigration has been a problem for many decades however in even in more recent
history things like letting people cross the border and not going after them or passing policies to prevent government officials from Prosecuting these people that's been going on for a while Obama had all sorts of things going on where many many illegal immigrants were prevented from being prosecuted and they were left here and and it's not exactly
amnesty but it's a soft kind of amnesty like well you broke the law but we're not going to do anything about it promise so the official number of illegal entries under Biden is at least 7.2 I've seen estimates in the two digits what was it 51 was the highest I saw I believe 51 million the truth is nobody knows and the people that are supposed to know are absolutely not
going to count okay so it's a lot even if this floor is the the full amount it's a lot 7.2 million if you put that in perspective the population Montana is about two million so that's a lot of people okay in four years now immigration is a global problem I've brought this up for years here and there
but when Europe started to have some serious issues I talked about that quite a bit and we've seen how that has gone if you haven't looked into that it's quite a story the news articles coming out of places like Ireland are are really something or the UK it's a mess to put it bluntly it's a mess so all these first world Nations the details differ but the
patterns the same and that's important okay we'll come back to that all of this is already happening the in Europe things are a little more advanced than here I guess I should say retrograde it's worse but they let more people in sooner and they have way less to sort of sponge up the problems than we do and so it's a real real problem over there and
it's just getting to be a really big problem here you've seen these news reports which I told you this stuff was going to happen before it happened but you've seen the news reports of gangs coming it's basically all the problems that are in the third world come with the people that you import from the third world so you've got gangs operating they're taking over apartment complexes
people are being murdered there's a lady that got emulated on the train in New York just crazy stuff that that if it happened here before it was a lot more rare and now all the sudden it's an enormous problem what's not in the news is how much the welfare roles have exploded you might see some reports
about ER weight times why do you think it's so hard to get into the ER these days it's because there are tons of illegals who are going to the ER why do you think it Tak so long to get on Medicaid or food stamps these days it's because there are tons of immigrants who are getting on those programs right what's the statistic I think immigrants from Mexico 45% of them end up on
welfare I don't remember off the top of my head it's high okay so and we we with the crossings during Biden's Administration it's become a much more Global set of people it's not just folks from close geographically close countries coming in massive numbers of
Chinese have come in massive numbers of people from different countries in Africa and you know not not just the folks that could walk right so what are some future possibilities and and just so you know we're about to hit some scriptures and that's actually I think the most important part of this presentation but you could be the judge of that
so it's no surprise that the same sorts of things could keep happening maybe that is a surprise because maybe you think that the incoming Administration is going to be drastically different than the outgoing one it could be the case and there could be new ways that they bring a lot more people in or it's an
Andor they could do a lot of the same things because the last time Trump was President uh there were a lot of the same things that he did right and it's it was kind of surprising to some people so things like more Visas so Elon Musk and Vivic ramaswami are in charge of this pseudo government organization this
Think Tank if you will and they're supposed to be cutting waste well both of them are enormous proponents of H1B they say we need even more way more No Cap take off the cap make it easier for them to come let them become citizens just because they have a bachelor's degree that they get a bachelor's degree in the US make them citizens right and so what's this going to do well
whatever well let me finish the list first so we could have even more illegal immigration and that might make your head explode it could totally happen there's no guarantee that that President Trump will put that under wraps but even if he doesn't it could just continue at rates that are slightly less than what they were under Biden it's not going to go to zero
that's for sure okay then there is the possibility of amnesty and maybe that's the last thing on your mind but remember Trump likes to win right he likes fighting a fight and then after he feels like he's won he'll backtrack big time he he's done that on many things it's a pattern but who knows from where or when who knows let's look out more than four
years maybe the next president does it but it's it's something that has happened multiple times in the past and so it stands a reason it might happen again and again I think we all have uh a tendency to think about these things closer to home but these are global patterns it's happening All Around the World in all the first world Nations the details differ the patterns are are the same now
this is probably an appropriate place to mention that Europe and the UK and the United States and Canada are not the first places to go through all this by the way uh I mentioned how Europe is advanced in years over us with these problems Canada is absolutely ahead of us on that so you could look into that if you want to see a preview of what's coming
but likely what's likely coming but if you look across the globe Rhodesia and South Africa went through this decades ago and if you want to see what ends up happening to a first world nation that gets overrun by Third World people look at what is now Zimbabwe and look at modern South
Africa let's just focus on South Africa it's it was a first world self-sufficient Paradise for the people that lived there okay they made their own fighter jets and they had their own assault rifles and they had everything that we have here as far as power plants they had massive surpluses of food almost no crime it was a
paradise okay but in the 90s they opened up the vote to everyone and when they did that of course immediately the people that got elected were very corrupt and everything just went downhill very quickly and if you look at it today they have rolling blackouts they have constant food shortages everything cost a fortune there's no Prosperity if
you're white you can't get a job you can't run a company there's reverse affirmative action it's rampant and everyone who can is fleeing the country and it's been that way for a good decade or more so how how do you think American Prosperity would change if they were rolling blackouts in this country just that like nothing else by the way if you
go to South Africa and you ask everyone you meet if you ask them do you personally know someone who has been murdered they will say yes it is one of the highest violent crime places in the world and they do not enforce crime does that sound familiar that's where we're going in this country they don't enforce crime unless you're
white it causes huge problems okay so now I want to shift gears and and the next things the scriptures before we get there though I want to give you a key it's a key about end times prophecy you've probably never heard what I'm about to tell you but you can take this and run with it you'll learn so much if
you do this so we know that God operates by laws of cause and effect right he established those laws before the creation of the world when you see prophecies it's true that they will have specific fulfillment but every single one of them is based on and therefore
demonstrates general principles and those principles are not tied to specific times places people it's the situation it's a principle if you have the same conditions you'll experience the same outcomes and this is why for example there's a set of circumstances throughout history and you'll see this throughout the
scriptures that generate pestilence famine Civil War and foreign Invasion for instance and so you can predict with perfect accuracy that those things will occur if the condition are met why because God is no respector of persons that's the consequence if you
fulfill the conditions you will get the consequence so the effect of this is that it doesn't exactly erase a bunch of things that people spend their times worrying about with prophecy scriptural prophecy but it certainly reduces the importance of decision what am I talking about well
there are endless debates what country is this talking about in in Isaiah is Egypt the United States people will say where is the United States in the book of Isaiah who cares is a good answer because any nation that fulfills the conditions of the promised destruction in Isaiah will be destroyed exactly how it's described in Isaiah get
it what does this do for the question of has this prophecy been fulfilled again it matters but it also doesn't matter it matters a lot less than you thought maybe that's the best way of saying it because if the conditions happen again so will the outcome now there's some Nuance in this but that's basically it so look for the patterns don't waste
so much time with the particulars so with that in mind I'm going to show you how to do this with some obscure verses that you probably never read but if you did you probably didn't take note of them here are some patterns of what to expect in this whole immigration debacle Gentile Nations and immigration First World areas and like I said before don't just get locked into
countries that's true countries have borders but this is true States cities and towns and you can jump between those resolutions and see different things and expect different things these areas will be affected enough so as to be substant substantively changed there will be a fundamental difference because of
immigration a scripture about this is Jeremiah 12:9 it says says my Heritage is unto me as a speckled bird the birds roundabout are against her Come Ye assemble all the beasts of the field come to devour now the beasts and the birds are not synonms here there there there are subtle differences and I'm not going to take the time to just infinitely parse
this you can do that on your own or find somebody who's into that but these are foreign Nations foreign people okay and those are figures that are used in other places too like in Isaiah and you could read more about that but they're not here for nice things they're here to devour and what is mine Heritage it's a it's a place or people that have been
previously blessed by the Lord all first world Nations have all first world Nations have Prosperity far beyond what they deserve and that's that should get people's attention it doesn't but it should the next pattern the people who come will be worse than those they join and it will
break systems and Customs that rely on better culture now I'll just pause here the way the world uses the word culture it's it's not very accurate it's limited in a lot of ways because most of the time they really mean race and that's unfortunate because culture does not mean race there's no such thing as misappropriating culture culture is a
set of beliefs and or behaviors behaviors are sort of predicated upon beliefs but what you should think about this as you know pretty much every kid in elementary school had a little pencil box think of a a you know some of those pencils are really worn out some are brand new some don't have erasers think of a bundle of pencils with a rubber band around it the only thing holding those things together is the association
you put them into that's a set of beliefs that's a culture now you can put a name on that right so so growing up in in in and around Baltimore there's definitely a Baltimore City culture and it's not good okay but you'll see that uh elements of that same culture in other places I've seen it on Indian
reservations I grew up in a culture in a poor family there were definitely ideas and behaviors that were common among a whole bunch of different poor people right so you can pick and choose with a culture but that's probably enough about that the point is that our nation relies on a culture that its people no longer have and so we're kind of riding on fumes anyway the Tank's empty we're just
coasting on momentum at this point and those of you who are old or blessed enough to drive a manual transmission we're popping the clutch and we've just come off a hill and we're just coasting on a flat okay the car is slowly slowing down but every time there's a little bump it slows down a lot faster and here come the immigrants right and the
immigrants uh I will discontinue this analogy because I might say something that I don't intend to be inflammatory but the immigrants are sudden slowdowns there's no juice there's no engine power to overcome those those barriers every single one will bring the vehicle to a much slower State anyway what's the scripture for
this well one is Ezekiel 7:24 wherefore I will bring the worst of the heathen this is pretty dang explicit and they shall possess their houses I will also make the pomp of the strong to cease and their holy places shall be defiled now I'll get into the Pomp and the holy places but there are so many prophecies about houses in the Old Testament and you can dissect the
patterns with the key that I've given you you know what what is Isaiah talking about when he says that that people will keep building until all the houses are adjoined and there's no space left and what's he talking about when he talks about the vacant houses something will happen and there will be many many nice houses that are vacant well what happens when no one I'm
not saying this is the thing but it's a thing well if no one can afford to buy them guess what and you say well they just bring down the price there are a multitude of things that could happen to prevent that outcome did you know that Banks hold a ton of houses right now and they've been doing this for years and years and years ever since the The Fallout of the
housing crisis in 2008 a lot of banks will hold a lot of vacant properties to prevent having to write off a loss on their books because they can lend money against the value the book value of that house but if they sell it it's probably going to be a short sale or a foreclosure they're going to have to lower the price plus it'll flood the market and crash the housing market so they just hold the
house because it's worth more to them vacant than it is sold do you get it they do it all the time I have firsthand experience with this with this trailer years ago it's a long story but we were looking to buy this house trailer and we had this Wrangle with the bank because they just didn't want to sell it it was vacant it was foreclosed they just didn't want to sell it they'd rather hold it
well um that's an outcome that's a that's a that's something that's already happening that could cause vacant houses if if people just foreclose the bank comes puts padlock kicks you out why there's so many problems with squatters now why are the houses vacant in the first place right okay so it's the worst of the
Heathen they'll possess their houses again squatters is that the only fulfillment of this I'm not saying that but the easiest thing to do is to look at what's already happening it's it's uh shooting fish in a barrel you you make prophecies that are already fulfilled right so then let's get to this I will uh by the way many different types of immigrants they'll shack up like 20
people in a house and so that that mcmansion might be out of your price range because you can't get a mortgage for a million bucks well maybe 20 legals can I will also make the pp of the strong to cease or maybe they'll rent it for some obscene price because to them it's not obscene they they're splitting it 20 ways I will also make the pomp of the strong to
cease what is the pomp what here's a theme that you're going to see all over the scriptures especially the Old Testament the crowns of the of the opulent the wine of Babylon the wreaths the things that that they are proud of and they think have value and they think make them valuable it's it's the the
false attainments of of wickedness really it's it's a Babylon economy The Riches of Babylon the honors of Babylon the pomp of the strong they're not really strong but people think they're strong they think themselves to be strong and they look at people and say that's a strong person you know Kim Kardashian is a leader no and it will cease well how could
immigrants cause that to change there are a lot of ways but it fundamentally shifts the fabric of our systems of value I don't mean our moral systems of value only but I mean our value systems of value how we assess and appr praise value what's worth it what do people want and
why and again same approach with this holy places does that mean that churches will be defiled well quite literally yes they get burned down they get spray painted they get harassed and people are afraid to go because it's not safe because because people get shot or
robbed but also figuratively what's what's a holy place what are your Idols what if your Idols got defiled what what if you couldn't so freely go to sport your sports ball events because for for whatever reason either the the games became too expensive or they weren't safe I just saw a news article uh today where they have SWAT teams
sniper teams in stadiums now just in case something goes down or defiled could could also mean in in a case like that uh it could mean that you just don't want to be there anymore have you ever gone to a movie theater in the inner city I have and I'll never do it again I've done it several times I'll never do it again why because you can't
get out of that what you would go there for because the people there ruin it all right then the final pattern I wanted to share this is this is not at all EX exus there are so many scriptures laying out these patterns this one's from the curses that Moses warns the people
about if they reject the Covenant so here's the principle those already there will fall in socioeconomic position as those who come Ascend the scriptures Deuteronomy 28:43 the stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high and thou shalt come down very
low again this is very explicit it's detailed it's clear now how could that happen again there's a there are multitude there is a multitude of possibilities but I've already given you the ingredients to a whole bunch of them with these visas and again it's already happening when you make $200,000 a year
and you've you've spent four years going through very hard degree program and then years and years getting to that level and you're 15 or 17 years into your career and then your boss comes and says we have this guy from India and he's taking your job and you're going to train him you've got two weeks and then we're firing you and this happens by the 100 thousands guess what the stranger that
is within in thee just got up above you and you are now unemployed you see that and and here's the thing that I want to warn you about and I have something on there there are two more slides left there's another note about this this is going to come on you like a thief in the night that's why I'm warning you about it and is it going to
be everyone no hardly it's hardly ever the case that that's the way these things happen that they happen here and there there are patterns but maybe you get out without getting it it's like lung cancer if you smoke maybe it's not going to get you it's just 25% of people that smoke get lung cancer whatever it is but you need to know about it because it's coming it's going to affect a lot of people and it's not just the tech
Bros it's not just the tech Bros I uh there's so many patterns that were forged in the tech world that are that are crawling out into the mainstream economy did you know so so there's a pattern where private Equity will buy a company and then merge it with another company or another four
companies and then resell it to someone else it's that hot potato thing I was telling you about but this is one of the patterns usually they would just do this with tech companies that's where they forged it and perfected it did you know that they're doing that like crazy with trade companies now service companies like roofers these firms are going to you know your your uncle Ted who's been a
roofer he's got his little roofing company for 30 years they're saying hey Ted you've been doing this for a while how about we buy you out for $4 million and Ted was not expecting to sell his company that's not the the pattern that these companies do you just kind of retire one day or you fall off a roof and die but that or you pass it down to your kid that's it it's yeah I'll take that payday I can't get up on a ladder anymore because my knees are shot and
I'm sick of dealing with people have to hire that don't speak English okay well here's your 4 million bucks and then they join a couple of these companies together and get a CEO kind of cutthroat CEO type to run it and they mark up their prices by 200% and and now they've got a monopoly because they bought up the four roofing companies in the area this is happening everywhere okay it's one of the reasons it's not
the only reason that the trades the the cost of hiring trades people is going up there are a lot of reasons but that's one of them so in the same fashion maybe you're not in Tech and so all this H1B is is uh is Greek to you well guess what maybe you know I got a friend that's a banker maybe the H1B is
coming for you now next so if if they especially if they make it easier especially if they raise the cap but just because the value of the dollar keeps falling because of inflation the the relative value of the dollar it just keeps falling and so these these folks are going to do what
they can to keep squeezing out profits even as Prosperity evaporates out from under us so where does that lead the employees where does that leave the small business guys and gals they're going to get crushed all of them not necessarily but more of them more of them will so that's pretty dark but what's
the light what's the positive side of this I think this is probably going to be Bittersweet but it's the it's true and it's the best we've got so much of the good that you have in your life is not deserved and I hope you don't get mad at me for saying that but just fundamentally like we' picked on Indians
who come here with h-1bs let's let's prop them up a little here and recognize like I said a lot of these guys are willing to work a 100 hours a week they're willing to live at work do you know anybody who's willing to do that do you know anybody who's willing to do that for $70,000 a year or $80,000 a year not have a life outside of work probably not right well why do you deserve it more
than they do because I'm an American okay but what did you do to earn that maybe your great great-grandfather did something to earn that but what did you do to earn that and there in lies the problem right right so as God starts pulling away these things that were given as a gift and by the way this is the pattern of the entire gospel you get as a gift something you
don't deserve that someone else paid for and then he says are you willing to live the law required to keep it and as a nation as an entire first world set of Nations the answer is a resounding no we are not willing to do what it takes to keep what you have given us that we don't deserve so he's going to take it away and I told you that this
was the good news and it probably doesn't sound that way at the end of the day it doesn't matter if you've got an Audi A4 or a boat or a mcmansion or central heat we're not here to get those things although I wouldn't know for some of those things but you know flushing toilets I can testify to the value of that okay or
mattresses what we're here to do is to obtain more of God's word and live it to voluntarily do that to learn as much as we can about God and live up to everything we know that's the purpose because that's what produces Joy Eternal joy and guess what we need in order to be more willing to do
that well all these bad things so maybe something that's a little easier to see as a good a good part of this is that it won't all be bad people who come some good people are going to come because they want to work hard and they want to have opportunity they they want
to have families that they can afford I was talking to a a gentleman at Home Depot in Provo uh 12 years ago now I guess and uh I was practicing my Spanish and I said where you from he's from Mexico I said how are things down there he said terrible I said can't you get a job down there if you because he was telling me he used to
work construction and he was just sort of you know moving wood to people's trucks in the pickup area I said can't you get a construction job down there he said there isn't really work but even if you do get work you're wages for one day are enough to buy one chicken he said I have two kids it's not enough money so I'm here I said well I can't argue with that so people like that are doing the best they can to support a
family what about people who come here because of the gospel and you might be thinking to yourself I don't know anybody like that yet you don't yet there will be there will be people who move obstacles to get over here and they'll do it through work because unless you're marrying somebody that the easiest way to get into into the United
States legally is to marry somebody the second easiest way is through a work visa so I guess you could come over here as a student as well but that's anyway that's an option too that cost a lot of money but when you when you get a job they pay for that right so that's
good what about safety and again maybe you don't know anyone like that yet but as people catch on to the disintegration of other areas there are a whole lot of people in South Africa who wish they could be they could move to the United States I'll tell you that maybe we'll have one or two uh viewers attest to that in the comments so you know I'm not making it
up and then some of the people who come over here with less imperfect reasons will repent God will use this movement of people to spread the gospel now it won't be everyone it won't even be most of them but some of them will and what you're going to find is that those people will be among the set of people that I previously described to
you you as those who take much more seriously the things that are being revealed today and that have been revealed in Prior times they'll take it much more seriously and what takes you 10 years to change they'll change in a day or a
week and that will significantly change the pace of things last slide how can you prepare for all of this so again it's already ongoing and so I don't forget I'll start with this reminder off to the side and I already mentioned this in terms of uh immigration visa jobs coming for your job so the the risk of your job
being replaced by an immigrant is a lot higher than you think probably a lot higher than you think but on a related note and this is kind of paralleled to this talk it's it's uh it's not directly related but it's the same sort of problem and I just want to take advantage to to give another warning about this I've made videos about this AI is going to disrupt
a lot more jobs than what people realize and I'm telling you it is here and it's going to get worse and don't fall for this these I'll call it misguided ideas that it's going to usher in some period of unprecedented prosperity it's not the pattern is absolutely clear and it's it's nothing
new it's just no one's really smart enough to see it so I haven't seen anybody talk about it but it's it's well established it's going to follow the pattern of splitting current markets current job markets between people who are way more intelligent than average in that market who are able to use AI to be even more productive than they were before and the people that build those
tools and maintain those tools and then the other side of the split which is much bigger will be all the normal kind of people who are in that field who lose their jobs and there is nothing equivalent for them to go to and do you're going to see this running rampant so that's the reminder that I wanted to hit you with and you'll see that this is another bullet of support for these
things that I'm going to mention right now how can you prepare first and foremost repent of your sins now if you're familiar with the things that that I teach this means a lot more to you than than someone else because you can fill in a lot more details about what that means and apply it but the clock is ticking get on it On a related note align yourself with
God and that's repenting of your sins but also start to align your family with God now I've written a whole book called Joy on purpose that gives you all kinds of tools to get started on that but the central one is to is to make a life plan and start to live it and that book Joy on purpose will tell you how to do it you can get it for free at
SL books you can download a PDF for free there you don't even have to sign up you can order a paper copy from Amazon if you'd like and those are there at cost at Amazon's cost I don't get money from that so here's a scripture to motivate you in that task this is DNC 88119 it says organize yourselves
prepare every needful thing and establish a house even a House of Prayer a house of fasting a house House of Faith a house of learning a house of Glory a house of order a house of God and so that's what you should do specifically I want to call attention to the need to make your ideas of cost and benefit more explicit now hopefully that makes sense
what I mean by that but briefly very very very briefly a lot of people are living in ways where where their decisions about how to acquire and expend resources are just shooting from the hip it take it as it comes right that is not enough and it's not going to
be enough as the future rolls on you really do have to list out what's important to you and the book gives you all kinds of guidance on how to do this it doesn't tell you what to do but it shows you how to do it list out what matters and why and Order your efforts By Priority it's very important why is it important because you're going to need
to establish a surplus you're going to need extra time you're going to need extra money you're going to have to have room to breathe so that you can find and take advantage of opportunities so many people live Check to Check and I don't mean that in the strictly Financial sense they they only think about what they need right now or what they want
right now you have to extend that time Horizon into the future at least by a year or two but probably a decade and and the reason for that is without doing that it's never what you need to do that is what's best is never going to make sense because you're going to be accounting for it in terms that are too short in in lengths of time that
are too short as a simple example of this it used to be a really good idea for almost everybody to go to college it's not the case anymore but even back then if you were making that decision based on the cost and benefit of today it wouldn't make any sense why would you do that right just paying your your getting hit with a tuition bill for a semester it's not going to make any sense that day you
have to look out and say well what job am I going to get and what's my likely salary and what's my likely progression and what's my life going to be like at that time is this worth it or should I just give this all up and get a job at Wendy's or whatever right whatever alternative you might have and and some of those Alternatives today are definitely a lot better we talked about trades talked about that a
lot anyway but you've got to have room to breathe so probably not necessarily but it's highly likely that as you start thinking about these things and how you could best situate yourself you probably are going to want to move and there are multiple reasons for that one you know you don't want to be living on the the border with Mexico
as the flood of immigrants continues to come in you probably don't want to live in California for a whole host of reasons and you might have good reasons that overwhelm all of those bad reasons but you probably want to get to a more rural area and I've talked about that at length in other videos I won't rehash that a big one is making yourself more
robust to economic change what happens if you lose your job there are a lot of people out there who if they lost their job they would be toast in a matter of days definitely within a month why well maybe they are paying off a house and it's totally jacked up and if they put it on
the market it would take them six months to get it ready to sell maybe they don't have any savings and they have a high mortgage maybe they have a work from home job and maybe the market for that job is kind of thin and so there's a high likelihood that if they lost their job they'd have to up and move because they wouldn't be able to get anything local that could pay what they earn
working remote and they can't get another remote job and it it goes on and on and on maybe they have a first mortgage and a second mortgage and they've loaded up their credit cards and they're making 400 thou this is not hypothetical I know someone in this boat they're making $400,000 a year but they live Check to Check and none of their money none of their assets are liquid you know it's two houses
right one's one's a rental and the other is lived in well if that guy loses his ability to earn an income he is in big trouble he's going to lose everything and we could go on but the point is you make yourself robust against economic changes you make you you you it's like if you had a fort you start Shoring up the weakest parts
there's a segment of the book that talks about that you think about what could change and what would hurt you the most and then you apply likelihoods to it and you rank order that and start doing things about it so what are some ideas well it's a good idea to have some savings so if you spend all the money coming in every month maybe you can look over the list of how you spend that and and line items
some things that maybe don't provide the value as much value as saving things would maybe you establish some Investments and obviously that's its own topic to look into maybe you look at establishing multiple income streams and maybe that's something big like you want to start a company typically that's that's uh
that's usually not a good idea but maybe it is in your case maybe it's something a lot smaller maybe it's even something where it's like mostly a business business that your kids run for you or for themselves and if you had to you could maybe scale it up but at a minimum it's bringing something in each month and then there's this idea of cash flow [Music] maybe if you have the ability to maybe
you could buy some some house or something that you could rent out or maybe if you have kids and depending on what their ages are maybe it makes sense to start looking at either you know you could clear out one of your rooms in your house if you have a room that maybe it's just storing junk or something it's your your I don't know computer game room or something and
maybe you could set that up to have your kid uh move into there and rent it out from you when they become an adult or maybe they're renting someplace that's not in your house and they're paying a lot of money per per month in rent maybe you can get them on leas to rent a room in your house if that works for both of you and they can save money and then you can earn money and the the benefit there
is that hopefully your kids aren't going to rip out your copper pipes and sell it for meth right but but a property rental might you could look at growing more of your own food that's a good idea and also maybe a reason to move and then you can start to organize yourself with other families what do I mean by that well you could take this as far as you
want to and I highly advise you don't do that but I'm talking about just small things like let's say you have a really good friend or a sibling maybe who's a a similar stage in life as you or not too far away from that and you can start working together more on different things like maybe maybe this multiple income stream
that you're developing maybe that's something that you could use some help on or you each have resources to Bear to bring to bear on that the sky the limit the the variety here is high but again I've referenced this in other videos the point is one reliable way to bring opportunities Within Reach is to think outside the box
in terms of working together with others so so for example and I'm not saying you should do this I just am using this as an extreme illustration to make it clear Amish people don't have health insurance one they all agree to live much healthier Lifestyles than most Americans so they don't need it that
much but two and and they're not big fans of pharmaceuticals that that are overprescribed amongst the rest of the population but secondly when something catastrophic happens like Amos falls down and breaks his leg falls off the wagon literally not you know figuratively um because I don't think
they drink either but anyway I should I should keep my jokes to a minimum otherwise you're going to crack up so Amos breaks his leg don't break a leg but he does anyway because he's telling bad jokes he falls off the wagon and he breaks his leg the community if if a his family can't afford to take care of that broken bone the community will just come together and take care of it it's all voluntary now now I don't
have the rule book of all Amish you know the Amish code book version 6.7.2 revision December 20 or 2024 but this is in general this is how it works imagine how much money you could save per year if you didn't need health insurance which costs on average more than $30,000 per family now per
year that's a lot of dough now I'm just throwing that out as an example you could scale this way down like what if you helped each other work on your cars when they needed an oil change you said like look we could probably figure out how to do this if we pitch up we could buy an oil pan and a jack and a jack stand and a an
inexpensive set of ratchets we can watch some YouTube videos and and we just share them because you know we don't need an oil pan all day every day and we'll just share it and now you can save whatever it costs to get an oil change these days I don't know because I haven't done it I've done it myself for years and years but it's probably like 150 bucks that you could save and it's way more convenient it's 15 minutes instead of hours because you don't have to sit there and wait and you're not going to
have some knucklehead forget to put the oil cap back on and if he does it's you so it's your own fault right but you get the point so start thinking about this and it's yet another reason to read Joy on purpose and think about how you can apply those things to your life so I hope this has been helpful now
this is off my chest I've warned you you know these things and I hope that the Lord blesses you I pray that He blesses you as you seriously consider the the message I've shared with you the reasons I've given you and you you figure out what parts of this mean something to you which parts are credible to you and then