all right I received a well thought out email and I knew as I was reading it that other people would have the same kinds of thoughts and I thought maybe it would be useful to reply to this in a video so that everyone else could benefit from it and I asked if the writer of this would
give me permission for that and he said yes and I'm just scrolling down to make sure I took his name came out I did good okay some time ago I believe I received a commandment from God I say believe because I did not meet him but I received specific words in my heart and mind in the same fashion I usually receive messages I recognize as God's voice
anywh who like the midwestern flare there he he's not from the Midwest um this is good we are supposed to learn the pattern of how God speaks to to us and it can cut down the time and effort it requires to recognize his voice he says the Commandment was that I was to stay and teach in church until I
was actively forced out I wish I had the quote with me written down but that was the message and it feels proper relaying it that way and I respect the fact that he did write it down that's always good it's it's not wise to rely on your memory I had an employee once among the dozens who had an impeccable ability to
remember things and everyone else I I asked them to bring a notepad and a pen anytime we had a conversation but uh he he didn't have to do that he was the only one and so it's it's really rare to be able to retain things the way we need to and if it's that important at work it's much more important if God tells you something that is should be treated as
the most important thing until proven otherwise if he's going to interrupt like that then it's probably pretty important and the more you treat it as important the more he will speak to you okay and and then he the the writer here expresses that he's really cautious
in stretching what is told to him Beyond sincere belief of the limits that's also really important whenever we get communication from God or even just situations we might be in blessings it's easy to fly too close to the Sun and have your wings melt and it's really important to operate
within the bounds of the instructions that were given I'll give you a recent example so I whenever the Lord gives me dreams I write them down if I'm aware of them and I I'll force myself to get up and and write them down if if I'm asleep or if if I wake up and I realize I had one I'll immediately go to my computer and write it out and the reason I do
that is because years and years ago I didn't do that and I lost absolutely precious things that I I don't remember anymore and so I made this a habit and as a result of that I started having more dreams but I retain these and uh I I look over them from time to time and one thing that I had to
teach myself not to do was to fly too close to the Sun to take these dreams for more than what I had very good reason to believe they were and you can interpret not of streams but any kind of information you can stretch it as far as you like but you should limit it to what you have sufficient reason to believe and there's
absolutely nothing wrong with leaving things open-ended where you don't have the information to take it further than than that and so I I just yesterday I spent some time reviewing a pair of dreams from three years ago and uh you know that's that's good so anyway that that was long-winded but it's good
to be careful with these things as this person obviously is he continues when I received that call it seemed contrary to what I believed God was calling me to I think there's something missing here oh no okay so he was saying it was a surprise that God was telling him to stay as time has gone on that commandment has been the only reason I continue going to church classes it is increasingly unbearable to stay in those
classes for hours I continue thinking of every way I could possibly improve their Vision on God's plan and will for their own lives and it's like trying to get water through solid stone for all it is worth it has given me a great education on what others in the scriptures have experienced when trying to preach to their fellow man yes and I would interject how God feels when he's trying to preach to us individually I feel physically exhausted
from the mental work that I am pushing myself at to help in some way despite my efforts I always feel that I could share more but there is no one to share it too well this is a great example of how we are more excited to serve God in some ways than others and part of the changes that we require ire to become more like him is to come to enjoy whatever he assigns us
to do as much as we would whatever else you might assign us to do and that's very difficult it's easy to say it's very hard to do but practice makes perfect right I I'm reminded of the difference between Alma and limhi when each was responsible for leading a group of people and Alma's
group immediately when they they were they were each at different times and places they were each imprisoned uh taken into captivity I should say by the lamanites and Elma responded Alma's group responded by submitting to to the the experiences God's Will and praying to him but totally submitting and limh High's people decided to try to
fight it and they kept going to battle with amonites and getting slaughtered and and Alma's group ended up being visited very quickly by the Lord and he said well you've learned the lesson here let's move on this doesn't have anything left to teach you and Lim High's people it was oh you need some remedial training we'll leave
you in this extra long just to make sure that you get the lesson right so life has a purpose and as you accomplish that purpose you move on to the next lesson and you can't cheat this you you can't bear with I'll say Affliction but whatever unpleasantness in life only to get out
of it that that's not learning the lesson and this is actually a deep point you have to get it's a cheat code for life that I'm giving you you have to get to the point where you stop seeking relief this is this is the fullness of mosiah 3:19 is to see struggles in life as the love of God to to truly see it as the whatever
you're facing as the greatest gift he could possibly give you because he knows what's on the other side of it which the most important part of that is how you grow as a as a person because of it so you can the only shortcut to that is to go through it to to fully extract everything that you could in terms of how it can help you
improve and to my friend here I'd say that as you receive the heart of the Lord you'll have to be torn away from this that's how much your your attitude will change toward it that you'll you'll beg him for a way to stay in help and he'll have to take it from
you continuing in the email I thought a lot on how boldly well I I'll pause here now some of you have the opposite I'd say many of you have the opposite problem that he's telling you you need it elsewhere or that the cost of you staying in your church is higher than the
benefit and to you that's the tearing away that that you're going to require him to be more blunt and forceful in how he's showing you that you need to go he continues I've thought a lot on how boldly I should speak and I try to ride as fine a line as I can between
pushing them to create the most amount of improvement towards God and not going too far so that they don't hear me at all yep that's the game I've been more successful with the young men who I know have received many of my words when they are not with their teachers I know this yeah I'll pause here and maybe that maybe that's the whole benefit is just to maintain The
credibility that you have with these people that you wouldn't if you stopped going and maybe that's only useful outside of class now this isn't about being dishonest because this person's obviously speaking up in in class um and we'll get to more of that I believe later let's see I know this because they
frequently will ask me questions about how they can apply what I've taught them in their own lives once I've handed them the keys I've been given and just so no one freaks out about this if if you're still with us but you haven't watched many of these videos that use of keys is I think more like how I would use it and not how uh certain churches might use it so don't
freak out there he's not saying he has a quote unquote priesthood Keys he's talking about Keys uh pieces of information is what he's talking about I glory in my God to do this work however what I can teach is mainly faith and repentance on a very practical scale this is fine and I love doing it because I see God's love for them when their eyes glow and they are free to exercise
God's will more freely in their life okay so here I I'll poke a little at this again that the next level of this is doing it even when they hate you for it now I'm not saying to push them past what they have any hope of believing I'm not saying like dump greater light and Truth on them against their will and force truth on them and
push them way past their window over seat I'm saying God can send many people to teach what will be received well he can send very few people to send to teach what will absolutely be rejected and his plan requires that everyone receive everything they're willing to
receive and that requires that they're filled to the point where they say no more I don't want anymore every single person ever born has to have that opportunity and and when we think of the field being white already to harvest and the work is great but there few laborers harvesting isn't
just collecting up the wheat it's also threshing the wheat so beating it and separating the wheat and the chaff which is called winnowing threshing and winnowing are required before the wheat can go into the Garners and it's just as important and it's harder to find people to sign up for that job it's like the night
shift he continues I'm limited by how highly they value their false traditions and teachers in in the church and Seminary classes I go to I'm very limited by their the subject matter the teacher has chosen since I was a little kid I always knew I could teach better and greater ideas than the teachers that were over me and it always bothered me but not so much as it does now when I see that what they teach is not just too
simplified and therefore unhelpful in a complex context but also blatantly false in a way that binds God's children to sin and despair going to their classes feels like being force-fed someone else's vomit but I know that there is a better way so I'll interject here and those of you watching this might say man this guy's really arrogant he feels like he could do a better job than all the teachers
he's ever had maybe maybe if if a person was arrogant they would say this first off I'd say if they can say it this way they're probably not being arrogant uh if if they have this level of
articulacy probably that what they're saying is true okay they're demonstrating that it's it's probably true but beyond that those of you who have been in experiences like this can understand better than others how this feels and that the last thing on this person's mind and heart is quote unquote being in
charge actually what he would like more than anything else else is to go there and be blown away by greater light and truth than he's ever received in his whole life even if it made him feel terrible about himself because it just showed all these ways he could be better he would be so happy to be there he he'd pick that door if it was an option we'll talk more about this in a
minute I think let me scroll down otherwise we'll just do it now we'll do it now so in the scriptures we read about this feeling this this uh there are two things here one is this urge to say something bigger better greater and then the other is this feeling that you're
being force fed someone else's vomit the the so on the one hand it's a sense of the greatness of God and the other it's a sense of the limitations of man that's probably a very polite way of putting it in I'll read this one first in second Nephi 127 Lehi reacts to how
angry Layman and Lemuel are at Nephi's preaching he says it must needs be that the power of God must be with him even unto his commanding you that ye must obey but behold it was not he but it was the spirit of the Lord which was in him which opened his mouth to utterance that he could not shut it and so the natural reaction to being
invited to improve is to be angry and to see this as someone's trying to boss me around right even unto his commanding you that you must obey but it's just the wicked that take the truth to be hard the righteous rejoice in invitations to improve they Rejoice even if they don't
agree with it because they're thinking wow someone cared enough to try to help me that's cool but if they agree with it all the more reason to Rejoice because they think wow someone's just given me a huge gift of how I can be better and I understand that all good things are coupled to being good and so they're helping me get even better things in my
life but Lehi explains because he knows from firsthand experience he's preached to people before that you can be influenced by the spirit of God to such an extent that you can't shut your mouth so now I'm going to hop over to Jeremiah 20:9 and Jeremiah knew a thing or two
about preaching to Wicked people but here's the verse then I said I will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name but his word was in Mine Heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could not stay so what's the context of this Jeremiah Was was continually
resisted in his preaching and in the in the prior verse he was he was talking about how he says the Lord will was made a reproach unto me and a derision daily the people treated him terribly as a result of his preaching and so he decided that he
wasn't going to do it anymore that's what it says then I said I will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name but his word was in Mine Heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could not stay this fire in the bones is what this this person is talking about and I get it so at this point I'm going to talk
about how we can be conduits of the spirit and we use our bodies as a bridge and this is actually this is our role in the atonement of Christ so let me just briefly explain that so we are created in the image of God and that makes us potentially temples for his spirit and so as we become worthy of
that of Greater so so the the Light of Christ is given to every man it comes from just from being born and you can live your life in a way that diminishes the potency of that but you can also live your life in a way that increases it and you can go beyond the measure given
to every man you do that by exercising heed and diligence by being obedient in living up to how you sincerely believe God to be and in searching out more about how he is and living up to that too so as you do this you open the aperture of the spirit of God John the Baptist said of Jesus this is in John
chapter 3 what's his specific words that he uses I'm trying to remember here in in essence what he says is oh he says the father gives the spirit to the son without measure in other words Jesus had removed every impediment in that flow and that's what we're called to do
too we're invited to do the same and so as you open this aperture wider and wider his Spirit fills you more fully okay that's what happens internally what happens externally well the effect of that Spirit through you impacts everyone in contact with you now it can do that in physical ways when Moses came down from the mountain his face was
glowing when Peter walked by people if they were sick they'd be healed when Elisha's bone touched a dead man he was healed imagine being so full of the spirit of God that after you die your bone heals a dead
guy so that is the physical portion of that there's an informational portion of that what you say or what you do and how you say it or how you do it impacts people and it becomes a
bridge through which they can see more of the father now you might say well why is that even necessary we can all just seek him out ourselves we all have access to the spirit as well yeah kind of now you hear the record needle rip across the record right you're like wait what hold up wait a
minute when you offend the spirit of God you turn the direction of your path you come off the straight and narrow how do you get back gone to it this the the spirit can be offended and you can think of it the question is how do you recover it
how do you turn your path back to growing and opening that aperture instead of closing it Tighter and Tighter as it's as it closes it's not just the bandwidth that reduces what do I mean by that if you think of a pipe and you make the pipe more narrow that's bandwidth reduction less liquid
can flow through it but in this case you also constrain what he can tell you and how he can tell it to you not just how much he can tell you but what he can tell you and how he can tell you now is a person limited in those same ways God said the spirit does not always
strive with man there are things we can do to constrain that relationship the things that a person can get away with are greater than the things that the spirit can get away with the things a person with the spirit of God can do are greater for a person and to a person are greater than what
the spirit of God can do directly to a person and you might think that that sounds rather Blasphemous Let Me Explain how and why and then hopefully it doesn't seem Blasphemous at all God has perfect intelligence we are doofuses the spirit of God requires sincerity sincerity is the gateway to the spirit of God
being a doofus you can be sincere and through that sincerity uh you can be sincere in situa in in ministering to someone in situations where the spirit of God will not directly do that and so in your doofus Hood you can become a conduit to bless people in ways that they would not
otherwise be blessed this a huge mystery but I'm explaining it to you and now you know so we could spend hours expounding this from the scriptures but we're just in the midst of an email so I'll just lay it out like that and you can take it as far as you'd like on your own or come back at another time and we'll talk more about it so this person who wrote me the
email they are using their body as a bridge between Heaven and Earth to bring God's spirit to people in Greater quantities than they qualify for and this is how we all participate in the atonement of Christ atonement means to reconnect a person with
God that connection is severed it's constrained and atonement is to to reestablish it and expand it you've probably never thought about it that way but that's that's what it is so now we get to understanding why it feels like being force-fed someone
else's vomit now you feel like that because the things that that person or those people are doing or not doing or saying and not saying are offensive to the degree of the spirit that is within you it's not offensive to them because their aperture is too narrow they don't see those things they don't feel those
things but you do and this is the price you pay this is what it cost for you to become a bridge between Heaven and Earth for them your body Bears the cost of transmitting God's spirit to them and the greater that difference the greater the
suffering and now you can start to just barely understand the price Jesus paid every day of his life to be here and to be constantly surrounded by people whose Every Act offended the spirit within him because it was less than it could have been and should have
been continuing in this email well one thing I'm going to say let me back up on on the topic of doofuses conveying the spirit of God Heaven is organized as a hierarchy and the higher up you go the more similar those people are to God there are four special angels who
surround the Throne of God and one of the things they do is they constantly cry out Mercy in fact the Arc of the Covenant had two angels on it and it's called The Mercy Seat those angels Ed their wings to Veil the presence of God like curtains so my question for you is who
are they crying Mercy to and what direction did the veil function in God sees everything so the the wings were to cover the presence of God and so that from us to help us to protect
us because the glory of God is so great that you have better chances looking at or being in the presence of the glory of an Angel than the glory of God in his fullness and so it steps it down so that it's closer to what you can receive and interact with directly and I hope you see the connections with what we're talking about here because in a real way this guy
sitting in the Sunday school class is doing the same thing but back to crying Mercy you might be tempted at the veils for the people who are they crying Mercy to not the people they're crying Mercy to God and you say wait a second how could Angels be more merciful than God they're not
they're just not as intelligent and those four angels are really really high in the hierarchy they're right close to the top so how is it that they are also in a way and I mean this in the most respectful way possible how is it that they are also doofuses well they're still less intelligent than God well why is that a blessing why did
God set that up it seems contrary to his purpose if they're crying Mercy when he wouldn't how does that function why does it work there's a law in heaven that and forgive my phrasing here I'm just trying to convey fact the best way I I can there's a law in heaven that says no man can be more merciful than
God it can't happen and it's it's so important and that that law in and of itself is great evidence of God's Great Mercy because the reason for it is so that we never have any reason to doubt his love because because that helps
us to do and be better than we otherwise would and so it's for our sake that he does this but to fulfill this law if someone sincerely invokes Mercy for another person and they are willing to pay the price to give it
then God has to accommodate it and this is a very beautiful thing and it's by this that all of creation is united in love and held together in Christ it's very deep it's very
important but there comes a time when even those angels can no longer cry Mercy these by the way are the Angels at the Four Corners of the earth it's the same four and you read about these angels in
the Book of Revelation when there's a time described that they roke their willingness to cry Mercy to the world because their wickedness the world's wickedness exceeds their ability to have faith in crying Mercy if you want an easier to understand example of this principle you can read in the Book of Mormon when Mormon who was a general
over the nephite armies got to the point where he could no longer pray he says and ask for God's mercy on his troops he he says he couldn't pray in faith for that because he knew they were so wicked in spite of so much that he had done to try to teach them and persuade them to be better and because in spite of so much that the Lord had done in preserving their
lives against harrowing odds that he could no longer pray for them in faith remember what I said about sincerity you'll see that that's relevant to this email many of the teachers I'm reading again many of the teachers I try to teach privately in other conversations they are often wowed by my knowledge but
failed to take on my calls to improve sounds like the the religious leaders in the temple when Jesus was a kid and again you might think that this guy's arrogant by reading his email and not knowing anything else about him if you had greater understanding you wouldn't because this email is saturated with evidences of the light that he has but you would also condemn the Lord if you knew him as a kid and you saw him
teaching these religious leaders in the temple and asking them questions that they couldn't answer and answering their questions that they didn't know the answers to because boy Jesus would say this also they were wowed by my knowledge but they failed to take all my calls to improve continuing here I care about them and I've tried my hardest to show them light they would never have otherwise
considered one of them I'm convinced I've convinced to read your book Joy on purpose and I'm going to be talking with him about how it's going I pray that he will adapt with those teachings because I know his family will be forever blessed if he does besides him I've learned that even more open-minded teachers sorry I missed opportunity for a joke see I told he was full light he's recommending Joy on purpose just
kidding besides him I've learned that even more open-minded teachers will readily accept some Baptist preacher who proclaims that Satan isn't real but will automatically reject you for your background yep since that experience I've tried not to point them to your videos explicitly and simply teach them myself as much as I can and drop hints to your books when I can I I think that that's a wise approach
in any case I know that these teachers are intelligent and some of them are seeking more light and truth but I have to balance the desire to teach them and their students who are being cudel into false Traditions it sounds painful um just backing up a tick here so when it comes to sharing information that you've received you need to separate the information from the source what I mean
by that there will be people who can benefit from the ideas who don't have the faith to receive the source and when I say the source I'm being intentionally ambiguous that could mean a person who is attached with a whole bunch of of of descriptions or connections or life experiences that will be too hard for
most people to deal with um but it also could be just think of like a a math book that's particularly poorly written and maybe you're some kind of math genius and you can still learn math from it you could probably teach it a lot better especially if you have to break down specific things like maybe you don't need to know how to measure the volume of any 3D shape maybe
what a person needs to know is how to measure the volume volume of an aluminum can and they don't need to know differential equations to do that but maybe you do know differential equations and so you can reach into that and query your understanding and pull out the tightest little package that makes measuring the volume of a can possible right so if all you can do is
hand them a book then and with joy on purpose that there are a million things in there that could be pulled out as one-offs but there certainly is a case to be made that that the greatest value of that is the system itself which necessarily cannot be broken down right but you know if if the
best you can do is hand them oh the glory of God is intelligence that book I wrote it's a really thick book and it's densely written and are if they haven't picked that up and read that read it themselves already they're probably not going to or if they did they probably wouldn't get much out of it but maybe you can read one section of that and find somebody that could use
that information and maybe you just paste that section and send it to them but more likely you could have a conversation with them and reduce it down to one sentence just said in the context of everything else it's just some idea that maybe you don't even remember where you read it it doesn't matter right it becomes part of your model for how to see the potential in all
things which is one way of thinking about your model of God and that's way more valuable than handing someone a book even Jeff Bezos can do that okay many times have reflected on your teachings on hierarchical truth and your teachings on giving as much light as you can to those who will accept it the most with the goal for the greatest
amount of overall benefit your videos on teaching offensive things are the most important to me see told you and I've studied them vigorously to be able to apply them to how I work there are countless examples in the scriptures of how to teach what I've learned as a general rule is that you teach whatever God commands you to teach and that God commands you to teach through many ways and chiefly through your conscience and I think that's him saying what I just
said is you think about the potential of all things and then you try to to formulate the the next step towards that and then you act on that another general rule I've learned is that when you teach you should optimize the greatest amount of benefit to all people that can be received by your teaching yes and to put put that in into another
way of saying it what he's saying is you can't teach all people all things so prioritize the greatest benefit to all people so in some cases that might mean you offend everybody except for one person but then that person is going to cure cancer right that sort of thing that that that
can be part of the math in all of this it's not just a numeric number of people it's the overall benefit to all on the longest time frame and that can sound really complicated but it's it's really not it could be as simple as you want it to be oh and that's that's what he said in the next sentence I should have just read the next sentence that does not mean that all people will be benefited
from your saying but that the net effect will be beneficial so what's a scriptural example of that guys can you think of one now I'm doing the Blues Clues an what about Elma Elma senior right so abinadi came and he preached and he was killed for that
preaching and who listened Elma you could think well gez all that for one guy yeah but what did that one guy do and what was the multigenerational effect of that one guy and by translation and that was the effect of of abinadi he he did exactly what he should have done now how much of that he knew I don't know but he did what he was told to do and whatever the
mix between go and do this thing kind of commandment and actively thinking about the benefit it would have over time um it's not as important but that that's the kind of calculation okay continuing however what I've also learned is that some things must be said to retain a state of sincerity now we're tying into what I
said about that right I've not reached a point where I can clearly identify what I must say to retain that state of sincerity what I'm sitting when I am sitting in many of these lessons or conversations I'm perpetually hammered by what the spirit is telling me at seemingly high volume and now I hope what I said before plugs into this right your body is the interface between a
higher level of the spirit of God and a lower level higher level in you lower level in them and just because you're being perpetually hammered by what the spirit is telling you it that doesn't mean you're doing something wrong it it will absolutely be the case when you're doing something right but it it it also doesn't mean that you're doing something right but it will be there if that's true and it will
be more intense the the more light you have this is part of a huge pile of suffering that comes with higher awareness continuing now it is a very bitter thing to hold all of that back as you know very well I want to say so much but I know that if I say everything that is on my mind I will cause more harm than good yes and this is why another pile another thing in that pile of high
awareness is loneliness you see uh loneliness goes away when we reveal ourselves at a deep level to another person and that person does the same with us and both people stay so this is what Jesus was expressing is about how most people
don't stay in John when he he ask his disciples I think it's in John it might be Matthew will you go away also because when he started to teach teach about the bread and and the blood the the bread and the wine being his body and his Spirit people started his body and his his blood rather many of his disciples turned back
and they didn't follow him anymore and so he said to his Apostles will you go away also and they said where are we going to go you have the words of eternal life and so that's a rare thing and then they all ended up forsaking him anyway so this this this is a big deal now Jesus didn't say everything that was on his mind he also limited
what he said he even said I have many things to teach you but you're not ready for them and that's when he said the Holy Ghost will come and he'll take over and he'll better match what you're willing to receive that's another mystery but I'll just go ahead and blurt it out people incorrectly see the U the Pentecost is an outpouring of Greater blessing from God in a sense
they're right but the question is compared to what not compared to when he was around that was a downgrade and it's very very important to understand that because you can't understand what needs to be done before he comes back until you understand that anyway way it would have been an easier commandment for God to say that I am simply to be kicked out of the church
but that wasn't his saying to me yet yeah it is his saying to a bunch of other people who aren't listening but there are people who and you can tell based on what you want you know if you want to stay and you think God's telling you to stay you're probably wrong if you want to go and you think God's telling you to go you might be wrong too right but if what God is telling you is
the thing you don't want to do there's a higher likelihood it's correct because a natural man is an enemy to God all right as far as offensive teachings go I have decided on some red lines in which I will absolutely have to Stand My Ground that's good if a teacher says that we can never be perfect or that all we have to do is try I consistently remind those around me with as much plainness as I can that absolute repentance is absolutely required and
that nothing else would do that's good it's a good mind I will also freely point out discrepancies between what the scriptures teach ought to happen and the church as a society and organization chooses to do there are some points where when they teach or play a video from General Conference that I simply walk out to pray because I can't find any way to them P those teachings without insane amounts of context and
reasoning and therein is exactly what you should be measuring that by insane amounts of context and reasoning indicate a great distance between where they are and where you need them to be to connect and so you stick to the things that they have the ability to understand and feel
now what I'm saying here I'll just say explicitly the tools we have to persuade other people are in them if you want a deep dive on this study DNC 50 true Messengers don't try and don't want to persuade other people based on anything but their
own conscience they operate with that not against it the world and the devil will try to persuade people around that but God gave it to us and he uses our understanding to persuade us because what he wants is for us to do the right
thing because we want to do the right thing and because we understand it's right one reason the devil doesn't do that is because it works against him but that's sort of beond on the scope of this this video the the more the devil encourages people to use their understanding the less they'll agree with him one one simple proof of that is
common sense tends to be right but you could get a lot deeper with that talking about understanding and light and truth and knowledge and wisdom and it it all comes from and leads to God and so the more you encourage people to use that the more they will Point more directly to God and that that continues and intensifies over time
anyway the weapons you have in this battle are inside the people that you're trying to help it's not our job and it's not even within our capacity to try to compel them or externally persuade them so it's this weird battle where it's like levels deep inside them and this is part of what it means the
phrase principalities and Powers but you're interacting your body is interacting with their body but it's really you're trying to get God's spirit through you through them into their spirit and this is why sincerity is required to do this to quote teach by the spirit
so excuse me so your task is to intensify the power of their conscience and to share with them information that changes what they believe is most valuable and that's very different than directly trying to shift
something what you're doing is you're giving them tools to continue to make their own decisions or maybe to start making their own decisions and to make them more accurately anyway so so as a result of that people who start doing little things well begin to do big things well or when they start
doing little things better they start doing big things better and that's why you always start with the smallest increment of improvement that you can imagine and I'll tell you a vital vital Secret this keeps you out of most of the trouble you see when I was figuring these things out I didn't have anybody
to show me this directly no living example but you don't have to make those same mistakes and so what I'm like is an old grizzled Warrior that I had half my leg cut off and I've got this gnarly Scar and my face is all jacked up but I'm trying to teach you how to sword fight and give you that experience or
the the wisdom that I had to derive from what I would call Dirty experience right visceral nasty painful stuff figuring things out the hard way but I'm I'm saying hey here's my shoulders hop up here and you can see farther you can start where I left off and hopefully go a lot farther or at least start a lot more ahead than
I did maybe that's a better way of looking at it so if you stick to the smallest increments now he's a church but this is especially important at work or with your family if they're rejecting the smallest increment it is more than unwise to keep pushing
I think I have a video that that's called don't push truth on the channel it talks about this this theme but if you read in Alma 12 he lays out the Rules of Engagement if you feed them the the smallest increment of Truth and they reject it you don't get something way bigger and try to shove that down their
throat instead now most of us aren't dumb to do it dumb enough to do it if we think of it that way but we don't think of it that way we think but I really care about this person and if I just do more I can help them more I I know that there's something I can do to help them no if they reject something small the only thing you can do that you have two
options one you try the same thing again later two you try something smaller that's it and it says very clearly in Alma 12 when people turn away what they can receive after that is reduced when people turn towards God it's the opposite what they can receive after that increases so that's the good stuff when you give them a small
increment and they Chomp it down and they you know they squeeze all the value out of it that they can and they really appreciate it for what it's worth hit him up with a bigger thing and maybe it's two steps forward what was that old Paula Abdul song three steps forward two steps back I don't know uh whatever the the ratio is maybe it's back and forth that's fine just
keep going keep going but but at some point and this is part of learning the sincerity you have to set it aside not because you don't care about them but because continuing to push is just going to hurt them more and it will hurt you more and you're not out to save your own skin but you do have to use it for the greatest benefit uh my friend Jared eastley he's
a fan of uh the Costco rotisserie chicken he made a joke once about this I don't really remember but somebody in one of his kids ate all the skin off one of these chickens that was in his fridge and he was really looking forward to getting a slice of it and he opened it up he's like where the heck is the skin you're not going to be able to save your skin but you'd like it to go to Jared Easley's kid whichever won liked
the skin so much they ate the whole thing himself I'd say gobbled it it's a chicken not a turkey so what manner of man is this that he can crack bad jokes like two hours into a video uh still fresh guys so
um now the test is can I get back to where I came from so so it's not about avoiding pain it's about maximizing what comes from it just to be clear okay so it's not that you don't keep pushing because you're afraid that person's going to hurt you and and the more you push the more likely that is by the way way for reasons I won't get into but
it's that someone else needs what you can give them more and you can't do both you you can pick which Hill you're going to die on but you only get to die once so better be the highest hill okay so let's keep going here um where did I leave off
I think I was here so I will also freely point out discrepancy oh no we did read that um when I have these moments yeah that's where we are when I have these moments of an absolute spiritual uproar I don't want to leave but I don't want I don't know what else would be good you know you you might just have to write that off as is the cost of doing
business it's just the overhead of being there and and that's a vital part of atonement is that you have to go to where the people are to reconnect them with God you can't stay where you're connected with him where he is you have to come down and and this isn't just true with Jesus and you could read about this in in the Book of John for instance but it's all over the place but it's true
with his servants which if you're doing this you're one of them so if you look at Enoch he lived with his family up in this mountain all the righteous guys and he left all those guys to go down to everybody else and that was physical but figuratively you're going to have to go down and it doesn't mean that you're going to
adopt beliefs or behaviors that are less than the best you know that's actually part of the demonstration of Christ is that you have to continue to do that even in lower places like people always like to trot out how Jesus ate with Sinners that's not exactly the same as hanging out with them it says very clearly that he invited all of them to
repent and he didn't stay with the ones who didn't he said come follow me I've got something better you want to come along and people said no I'm good he just left right okay I fear that my reluctance reluctance to share what will offend most if not all of the people in the classroom limits what God can do with me
hopefully we've addressed that I don't want to limit God's work through me I don't want to attribute to myself more Grandeur than what little I am and I don't want to do more harm than good and just having those concerns probably make it likely that you're doing better than you think so congrats for for considering those things when Nephi spoke to his brothers
about their wickedness and when he tried to open their eyes to what God had called them to do he famously did so cuttingly and I'll interrupt here why because he tried a softer way and it didn't work he that was so this is this is good this is a property of the smaller stuff so sometimes as the invitation gets smaller it also gets
sharper so that's something to ponder from what occurred it seemed that his target audience Layman Lemuel and the sons of ishmail did not improve it may stand to reason that the benefit of Nephi's words were to us his brother's posterity and to his own family who did listen to him yeah and I'd add it's the only thing he had left to try with Layman and Lemuel
for me personally I know that I would have issues doing what defi did because I do not have the understanding that justified his actions fair enough that's also great consideration to make so good job the more obvious example in my mind is Jesus who called out the lawyer scribes Pharisees and Sadducees although very few of them ever changed perhaps the few that did change changed so dramatically as to justify the cost of
Christ sayings what Christ said may have also been justified by the effect it had on The Outsiders looking in to see that there was a path to God that was higher than the authorities at the time perhaps those words were justified by the need to fulfill the prophecies given about him and how he would be murdered by his own people so before I continue excuse
me um he mentioned something here that might not be crystal clear to those following along so I'm just going to underline it when you're doing this in public there's a purpose beyond the effects it has on those you're speaking to you could take this really deep but
because it imp it literally impacts the world but let's not go that far any onlookers it's going to impact them as well so a lot of times when Jesus was was arguing with people he knew that those people were not going to change at all in fact I should say that he knew that those people weren't going to agree with him anymore at the at the
end of the conversation than they did in the beginning in fact he knew they would turn away further as a result of the conversation so why have it because if he let what they said and did sit it would have caused Great harm to those who didn't have the ability to see through the false arguments the lies the tricks that those people were
playing he had to shut them down to protect other people who weren't capable of overcoming that if that makes sense so there are two ways to interact with someone when you're trying to share light and Truth the the first is to persuade them the second is to make them
look and feel bad and it might be a shocker to hear that but if you look at the scriptures there are situations where the Second Avenue is what Jesus would do and I just told you the reason and it's not just limited I'll go further with this it's not just limited to the effect on the people around them
also in coming back to being cutting with Layman and Lemuel when people don't respond to reason there's only one tool left and that's feelings the only way to reach unreasonable people is to make them feel bad I've heard people say guilt is not a
gospel tactic or something like that they're absolutely 100% wrong where does guilt come from comes from your conscience what is going to happen to someone who has seared their conscience into feeling comfortable with doing things they know are wrong when your presence boosts the light inside of them when those fires get rekindled
guess what's going to happen they're going to burn why do you think the natural response to someone who's invited to improve is to get angry at the person who's inviting them again remember how I said the tools are inside the person that seared conscience revives enough to cause guilt and they think this person in front of me caused this
guilt no your conscience caused the guilt because you know that you are wrong you know that you can be better than you are you know that this is a choice this doesn't come from the person standing in front of you or the person whose blog you're reading if internally you felt Justified
with what you were doing you would not be angry offense does not indicate who did the offending in both cases those who appear to be the messenger's Target do not change in a significant way that appears to justify the cost incurred by the offense I think I already covered this in what I just said so maybe I'll skip down here I'm scanning I think I covered this
already okay um now we'll try to plug back in okay I'll pick up here from my experience with the spirit its effect on the mind is like any muscle that grows stronger with exercise this is a deep deep thought yes I'll just say yes for no however although I believe sincerity can be more
fully realized like repentance it is simply a choice to be sincere or not yeah that that's a binary one and I think what he's saying which is true is that as your understanding changes what you have to do to remain sincere will change obviously in different situations and and everything else but sincerity is either there or it's not and and actually it's quite a
high bar it's quite a high bar to meet which is why almost no one teaches with the power of the spirit that's that's why when Jesus came around they were they were they just marveled and they said who is this guy because he doesn't teach like the scribes do it's different there's power in what he
teaches continuing here when I am in those rooms and conversations and I am completely bombarded by loud CS calls to improve these understandings I can't tell if that is the spirit commanding me to declare something or to Simply recognize something I think I've answered that so so just to be totally clear on this your interaction with the spirit is different than your interaction with the
people you are the interface you are the API is what we'd say in programming world you know there's a server and they interact with the server but they don't they're not involved in the in the guts of the server there are defined entry points and interactions that are really limited compared to all the inner workings of the
server all right at other times when the spirit comes it's easier because I can simply translate its call into action yep yeah and so and so the greater benefit is in the harder things in public settings it's it is like intense calculus trying to find the action that reciprocates to what the spirit is telling me yes it is and you get better at this with time so one
morning I got up and it was like 1:00 am. or something and in fact I might the email might have been to this person I don't know but someone had written me something and I saw the Tim stamp was pretty recent and uh in about two minutes I wrote up two pages of of stuff
and I sent it and this person said how can you just whip this stuff out like this and I I replied and I said practice so it it turns out that that finding the action that reciprocates to what the spirit is telling you to to use this guy's language that is a skill that you can advance in and you can learn to do it closer to real time in more and more and more
situations and that's important to do continuing in this difficulty the worst thing is the feeling and knowledge that I could teach so much more to my knowledge God has called me to stay and preach until I am ripped out perhaps the exercise of taking the spirit's message and translating into actions and words that others will benefit from is simply a practice I need to get better at yep
but I was wondering if you have a key that I need to help other people I think I've shared a few of those hopefully if you do have a knowledge of what I'm looking for and you believe it's best for me to know please share uh my goal in this email is to feel more confident I'm doing what God needs of me it is best for all people for me to Simply pra if it is best for me oh jeez I'm sorry if it is best for all people for me to Simply practice more do as the
spirit commands you thank you my friend and thank you my friend um people don't realize but all of this interaction it it's it's all designed to help everybody and I wouldn't have had the context to say the things that I've said in this video If this gentleman hadn't spent obviously considerable time formulating his ideas here and now I'm able to return the serve hopefully with
with a bit more than came across the net in the first place and this is how it all goes so hopefully this is helpful and hopefully something about what what I've said here sticks and you find applicable to your life