@benparker8381 posted this response to
this video on YouTube:
"Hi there! I have some questions in relation to the email and some of the points you raised in response to it.
1. Do you think it is reasonable to expect all members to provide enlightening and cogent thoughts during sacrament meetings and Sunday school, given the diversity of experience, maturity, and intelligence that resides in most congregations? If not, what is reasonable?
2. Do you think becoming frustrated at inadequate or inaccurate explanations of doctrine is not justifiable under certain circumstances? If so, what would those be?
3. What do you believe the “primary” purpose of sacrament meetings/Sunday school is?
4. At what stage does an awareness of your “superior” knowledge of the Saviour and His Gospel turn into pride? And how can you identify that?"
Here is my response:
"Hi, thanks for your detailed questions. I’m sure different people will have different answers to these questions. My answer is the same for all churches. The kingdom of God is a meritocracy. The LDS church is not. Fix that, and almost all of the problems go away. The purpose of a Christian church is to show more of how God is and to help others decide to be more like him. No organized church adopts that (his) purpose.
Put another way, you are correct in seeing the things you mentioned as non-compatible, but incorrect in assuming which side has got to go. In our path, we can either choose to go up or down. Deciding to cling to what is below is the choice to go down. Whatever inherent value exists in the modern model of churchianity is incompatible with the actual kingdom of God, which is the only place you’ll find these best things—including what churchianity claims to have but clearly doesn’t. If you want to get together with friends and share equally uninformed opinions about the gospel, you don’t need a church for that. If you want to learn what you do not know, obtain what you do not have, and fix what you cannot fix, you need to find a person more like God than you. If your church teacher/pastor/priest/apostle/prophet/pope doesn’t fit that bill, you are harming yourself by treating the one thing like the other."
I figured I would post this here for higher visability.